Exercício: Verbos frasais

  Verificado por especialistas
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

A. Escolham a opção que melhor traduz o verbo frasal sublinhado.

1. We really feel for her having to stay there.
A. Sentimos pena
B. Gostamos
C. Sentimos melhor

2. They are going to do up the house.
A. Doar
B. Reformar
C. Vender

3. Could you look at her test before we send it?
A. Dar uma olhada
B. Procurar
C. Fazer

4. Working all night really tires you out.
A. Deixar triste
B. Deixar feliz
C. Deixar cansado

5. Her boss chewed her out for being late.
A. Deu uma bronca
B. Elogiou
C. Promoveu

6. Are they really freezing you out? They're so kind to everyone.
A. Excluindo
B. Ajudando
C. Batendo

7. She was so hungry that she ate up her sandwich fast.
A. Comeu todo
B. Preparou
C. Jogou fora

8. Hang in there. I'm sure it will soon be over.
A. Fique andando
B. Fique atento
C. Fique firme
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5 respostas
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Olá pessoal,

vamos tentar:
1 - C
2 - B
3 - A
4 - C
5 - C
6 - A
7 - A
8 - C

hum, alguns novos para mim, vamos ver as respostas certas :D espero que não tenha errado muito rsrs

now it's your turn.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
5 - A.

Main Entry:chew out
Function:transitive verb

slang : to bawl out : REPRIMAND, UPBRAID <some niggling Quartermaster lieutenant chewed them out because they were a few hundred cases short — A.J.Leibling> <watched him chew out an umpire — Time>

[Merriam-Webster's Third New International Dictionary on CD v3.0.]
felipeh6 7 58
1.We really feel for her having to stay there.
c.Sentimos melhor

2.They are going to do up the house.

3.Could you look at her test before we send it?
a.Dar uma olhada

4.Working all night really tires you out.
c.Deixar cansado

5.Her boss chewed her out for being late.
a.Deu uma bronca

6.Are they really freezing you out?They're so kind to everyone.

7.She was so hungry that she ate up her sandwich fast.
a.Comeu todo

8.Hang in there.I'm sure it will soon be over.
c.Fique firme
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
No. 1 - A.

feel for = to have sympathy or pity <capable of feeling for the poverty stricken and underfed>

[Merriam-Webster's Third New International Dictionary on CD v3.0]
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá Pessoal,

Aqui estão as respostas/Here are the answers


Bons estudos!