Existe pleonasmo em inglês?

Hi, everyone

Sabem os famosos pleonasmos em português, Subir pra cima, Descer pra baixo. Existe o pleonasmo no inglês?


Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
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Bom dia Gilliard.

Ótima pergunta, veja uma matéria sobre isso no wikipedia.
"Receive a free gift with every purchase." (um presente sempre é de graça, então não precisaria do Free antes do gift)
"The plumber fixed our hot water heater." (Hot: quente; heater: aquecedor)
"He entered into the room." (entered: entrou; into: dentro)
"He raised up his hands in a gesture of surrender." (raised: levantado; up: para cima)
No yahoo encontrei referência também:
"sudden impulse" Impulses are not slow and deliberate, but are always relatively sudden.
"mutual cooperation" If it's not mutual, it's not cooperation.
"unexpected emergency" When are emergencies ever expected?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 156AAf5AFB
Mais uma para finalizar:
Jill saw the building burning down with her own eyes. (She must have seen it with her own eyes.)

The vote was completely and totally unanimous. (A unanimous vote cannot be anything but complete and total.)

She herself had written her autobiography of her own life in just two weeks. (She must have written her autobiography, by definition. The biography must have been of her life.)

Tim and his friends decided to co-operate together on their project. (Co-operating involves working together, by definition).

It was his usual, habitual custom to have a bacon sandwich for breakfast. (A custom is always usual and habitual.)
http://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises ... age_38.htm
Espero ter ajudado.
Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
Eu pesquisei sobre o assunto e não encontrei muito. Mas um exemplo que eu vejo bastante é o "shine bright".

The sun is going to shine brightly all day.
3 18 190
These are what we call redundancies in English. See the usage notes under

Yes, it does exist.
From the Greek, "excessive, abundant.

The use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning (e.g. see with one’s eyes), either as a fault of style or for emphasis.

Adjective: pleonastic.
Adverb: pleonastically

Could you repeat that again? (Again is unnecessary)

Pleonasm may serve as a rhetorical strategy to emphasize an idea or image. Used unintentionally, it may also be viewed as a stylistic fault.

"In the farmhouse I saw, with my own eyes, this sight: there was a man, of young age and graceful proportion, whose body had been torn limb from limb. The torso was here, an arm there, a leg there. . . .

"All this I saw with my own eyes, and it was the most fearsome sight I ever witnessed." (Michael Chrichton, Eaters of the Dead. Random House, 1976)

Pleonasms are the opposites (antonyms) of oxymora. A pleonasm consists of two concepts (usually two words) that are redundant. What does “redundant” mean? Well, how about “more than enough; overabundant; excess; and superfluous”? Still having a problem understanding what pleonasm means? Some pleonastic expressions are also known as tautologies. Tautology means, “needless repetition of an idea in a different word, phrase, or sentence; redundancy; pleonasm.” What about pleonasm? It means, “the use of more words than are necessary for the expression of an idea; redundancy.” So it is that we go around in circles: pleonasm means tautology, which means redundancy, which means pleonasm, which means tautology, ad infinitum.
Tautologous expressions are often used in legal documents for clarification of meaning; such as, “will and testament” and “breaking and entering”. This practice may have been a result of expressing English documents with a mixture of Anglo-Saxon and French or Latin terms. When early writers weren’t sure if both designations had the same meaning or that others might not have a clear understanding of the French or Latin, they apparently included terms from both the Anglo-Saxon and the “foreign” words side by side, just to be sure others understood what was meant; this is according to David Crystal in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language.

http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/defin ... h/pleonasm
http://www.englishlanguageterminology.o ... speech.htm

I hope it helps.
Verdade, Amanda..a Rihanna canta uma música com pleonasmo...Shine bright like a diamong.. :)