Expressão da Série ''The Act'': ''You graduated to the kitchen''

Na série The Act um personagem fala a seguinte frase:
You graduated to the kitchen. E foi traduzido como:
Você foi promovido a cozinha.
Pergunta: graduated pode ter o sentido de promoção?

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2 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I don't know the context, but a common step in the culinary career is to join a restaurant a be a trainee (in general they serve as 'helpers' - for lack of a better word on my part.)
At the end of a course or some years of experience they "graduate to the kitchen" (são 'promovidos' à cozinheiros, chefes etc - ou seja "eles estão prontos, podem trabalhar na cozinha com autonomia.)

Metaphorically a parent can say that to a child that helps him/her around in the kitchen. A little kid can help them with doing some tasks that don't mean using knives, or fire, etc.
By teenage (or before), they could be fully graduated to the kitchen, for instance. Meaning, they are now able to do the cooking, etc, and be accountable for preparing the food and other tasks as well.