Expressão da Série The Flash (Season 6): ''All is good in Chester-hood.''

O que significa All is good in Chester-hood?

"Wait, you know what? Hey, Chester. I got... I got a little time. Is there... Is there anything else that you could use some help with. Nope. All is good in Chester-hood. Wait! Don't go! Don't go!"

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2 respostas
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marceloluz 3 22
Oi, Jorilaine!

Por esse contexto que você apresentou, parece ser "Está tudo bem pelas redondezes de Chester". O sufixo "-hood" indica "vizinhança", "arredores", "região", "comunidade"; logo, houve meio que "a pun" entre "good" e "hood", no que se refere à rima, e indica que - de alguma forma - tudo está bem pela vizinhança de Chester.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Definitely is a rhyme, what made me think of the United Kingdom liking for nursery rhymes and all that jazz. But then, I learned there is a Chesterhood in the U.S. It still could be about a family, a statement related to ancestry for instance.

Without much context, I would think there´s some association with the "all´s well that ends well" (something that was difficult in the beginning but it ended in a good way at last.)
It could well be a wordplay, morphing into "all is good in Chesterhood".
Plus, the structure of the rhyme also reminded me of the Brazilian sentence "tudo como dantes no quartel de Abrantes." (nada mudou, e geralmente significa que as coisas 'seguem normal'). Funny thing!