Fiz diversos cursos e sempre continuo no nível básico


Estou recém chegado ao Fórum e gostaria de parabenizar a coordenação e todos os participantes pela iniciativa.

Gostaria de compartilhar uma preocupação e saber o que acham sobre esta situação. Estudo Inglês há algum tempo e já fiz vários cursos presenciais e online, utilizando diversas metodologias. Considero que tenho um vocabulário adequado e até consigo estabelecer comunicação em Inglês. Todavia, sempre que faço testes de nivelamento meu resultado sempre aponta para o nível básico.

Gostaria de saber a opinião e a experiência do Grupo. Quais os caminhos para poder efetivamente incrementar o nível de Inglês ?

Agradeço a atenção de todos,

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Hi Farantes,

Pode ser que você precise melhorar seus conhecimentos de gramática, verbos, seus tempos e quando usá-los, phrasal verbs, collocations, fazendo muitos exercícios e prestando atenção nos exemplos dados nos livros ou nos sites;

Como gramática eu sugiro a deste Forum de English Expert e www.;

Para Listening você pode se treinar no ESL Randal, músicas com letras(lyrics) no you tube e digitar as palavras que você sa be no The Free Dictionary and thesaurus para conferir a pronúncia.

Se você fizer um estudo atento você deverá sair do básico.

Valeu muito Jorgeluiz,

Muito obrigado pelas dicas.

Tudo de bom.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k´s hard to give any kind of opinion without much context, without knowing your life style, educational background, your work and study schedule (and workload), if you have family issues (the learning of a guy that support his family differs from the one that isn´t a breadwinner etc).
etc. Not that we want to pry into your privacy and your life facts, but those factors may come into play.

Now, let´s go to the work!
I like these pieces of advice from this guy with the nickname of PoppinBC, especially these ones:

-Study on a full stomach! NEVER study hungry, you won't remember half of the information;
-Study when you are alert! Sleepy study is bad study, you retain very little;
-Study in a quiet, test like environment! Don't study where you have any distractions (even your dorm room can be bad);
-If you don't absolutely need a computer to study, don't use it at all... big distraction; (he talks about University students, so I partially don´t agree, anyway the "big distraction" bit still holds, sometimes.

-If you need a computer, keep AIM or other instant messengers turned off 100% of the time
-Turn your phone off unless you are expecting a call; a few hours at a time, the world won't fall apart

A good process for studying in classes where textbooks are involved:
-Break your material into 4-5 sections (even amounts, study over 4-5 days before your exam)
-Complete this set of activities for each section, one each day, leaving one extra day before your exam
1.) Read through the section, write down nothing, mark nothing, just read and try to pay attention to key words
2.) Read subsections from each part through again, then take notes on the subsection
3.) After doing this for all the smaller parts of each chapter, re-read the ENTIRE section
4.) Do practice problems / examples from the end of the section.

Once you've done that for each part, the day before the exam, read (very quickly, just focus on keywords and definitions) the entire part you're going to be tested on. Then go through a few examples from each chapter or section of the test material.

Mix that textbook process in with your regular review from classnotes and it might help =)


On those papers though... not much I can do without seeing the prompts / reading the essay, if you really need more help there, send me a message maybe we can find out some way for me to see some prompts / samples of your writing and I can give you some general feedback on what the college grader is looking for.


Another not - don't believe it when people say you have to do worse in college than in high school, that your grades will be lower, it's just what happens. You can succeed and do very well in college, it's not beyond anyone. Some courses will be challenging, some will just come easier to you, and some will require huge amounts of work while others require very little. It's a balance, but don't be intimidated by the negative talk, you can succeed. Being positive and believing in yourself is half the battle =) ... ad-grades/

Back to me now:
I also would like to note that the practice of reading aloud to yourself is a good learning tool, even when you write (and listen/speak) very well. It may help you to see some weaknesses you have, so you can correct them.

Other thing to keep in mind, get yourself some good material, good teachers, read the best texts you can. The quality of the teaching do wonders to your English. Even the fellow students (when taking a course). I say that, because in Brazil, there´s a hole-in-the-wall or a bar nearby pretty much every English course, high-school building or university! On Fridays, some (most) students are sighing on class and keeping one eye on the wristwatch!
Just saying!
And let´s wait for more opinions on this one, I wish you luck in your studies, and will keep my eyes peeled for more views on the topic.
Many thanks for your attention PPaulo.
They are very interesting and useful
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Glad that you like it, and that it came in handy! ;)