Frases em Inglês com o Verbo GET com Tradução

Frases em Inglês com o Verbo GET com Tradução
To succeed, become enabled, or be permitted:
You get to meet a lot of interesting people.

Outra dúvida é sobre "get to do", eu vi em um post, o seguinte:

To "get to do" something means that you are enabled or given the opportunity to do something.

Example 1 - A circumstance or choice enables you to do something:

- Why do you work at home?
- I get to spend a lot of time with you and the kids.

Example 2 - Being given an opportunity:

Has anything good come out of this week-long snowstorm?

I get to spend a lot of time with you and the kids.

Sometimes this phrase is used sarcastically to mean "I am being forced to do something that I don't want to do". For example:

- I get to grade 40 tests this weekend!

Should be interpreted as something along the lines of

I'd rather be doing something else, but I must grade 40 tests this weekend.

Eu não entendi o significado do exemplo 1:

- I get to spend a lot of time with you and the kids; e nem a sua utilização com tom sarcástico.

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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
To work at home is a way of being with your kids at home as well, not everyone does that, right?
So, one can think of it as "an opportunity" (a gold one) to be around house and see their kids growing up, developing etc.

In portuguese you can translate this "sense" with the expression "eu consigo", not a plain translation "eu tenho a oportunidade de estar em casa com...". Even if it (in Portuguese) works as if they are the some thing.
Informal (have the opportunity)
Conseguir vt
I get to go to Paris this summer.
Eu vou conseguir ir a Paris neste verão.

As you see, Wordreference makes the point (by using get) that such a trip is an opportunity as well, sometimes an opportunity of a lifetime!
PPAULO escreveu:To work at home is a way of being with your kids at home as well, not everyone does that, right?
So, one can think of it as "an opportunity" (a gold one) to be around house and see their kids growing up, developing etc.

In portuguese you can translate this "sense" with the expression "eu consigo", not a plain translation "eu tenho a oportunidade de estar em casa com...". Even if it (in Portuguese) works as if they are the some thing.
Informal (have the opportunity)
Conseguir vt
I get to go to Paris this summer.
Eu vou conseguir ir a Paris neste verão.

As you see, Wordreference makes the point (by using get) that such a trip is an opportunity as well, sometimes an opportunity of a lifetime!
1- nesse exemplo:

You get to meet a lot of interesting people

Get significa " conseguir"?

2- e nesses dois casos, o que significa o get to?

To address or tackle something, such as a task.

" Let me finish washing the silverware and then I'll get to those other dishes."

To confront someone, typically someone inaccessible, in order to influence them illegally, such as through bribery or threats.

"If they suddenly changed their story, it's because one of his thugs got to them first."
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Without realizing it, you have answered the question yourself. Bu then, let´s go at it to reinforce the notion.
To succeed, become enabled, or be permitted: You get to meet a lot of interesting people.
This one you could think in terms of "você tem a chance de encontrar um monte de gente interessante". OR "você tem a possibilidade de encontrar um monte de gente interessante" (with "become enabled" it means that you said or explained something before that "lhe permite/lhe habilita a/torna possível/lhe possibilita" this meeting (conhecer) such interesting people.

Indeed, it´s a slightly different notion at play, hence our getting puzzled with it.

Example: "Living in Hollywood enabled me to meet a lot of other musicians."
Could be reworded into "Living in Hollywood got me to meet a lot of other musicians." OR
"Living in Hollywood permitted me to meet a lot of other musicians."
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
2- e nesses dois casos, o que significa o get to?
To address or tackle something, such as a task.

" Let me finish washing the silverware and then I'll get to those other dishes."
Now it´s a more complicated thing, because it´s not plainly apparent (está escondido sutilmente, não é aparente - "não está na cara"), this "get to (something/to this, etc) is another way to say "get around to" (something/to this, etc).
In fact "getting to" is a shortened way to say "getting around to".

Now it´s easier huh? Yes, "getting around to..." means, in our current case "resolver/dar conta/fazer" (a tarefa), lidar com o problema, etc.

So, Let me finish washing the silverware and then I'll get to those other dishes.
Would be something like "vamos terminar a lavagem da louça de prataria e então vamos passar para a outra louça (os outros itens de louça). Aí se encaixaria perfeitamente na definição de "To address or tackle something, such as a task." (vamos tratar de lavar a louça, que não prataria".
Uma tradução quase perfeita (nunca é perfeita...), mas o mais perto disso.

Contudo, pensemos bem: quem diz "vamos tratar da louça" quando está lá na pia? Talvez um mordomo ou algo parecido, mas podemos traduzir como seria numa situação natural e corriqueira, foi o que eu fiz usando "passar para.../passar pra"...
Mas acho que já dá pra entender o conceito envolvido.

Obs: eu usei "passar", mas o conceito implícito é o de "vamos resolver" o caso dos outros itens, ou vamos tratar dos outros/demais itens.

As for:
To confront someone, typically someone inaccessible, in order to influence them illegally, such as through bribery or threats.
"If they suddenly changed their story, it's because one of his thugs got to them first."

Pode ser: get to - afetar/influenciar.

Se eles mudaram a história, é porque um dos seus capangas (valentões/bandidos, etc) os fez mudarem.
Se eles mudaram a história, é porque um dos seus capangas (valentões/bandidos, etc) os forçou a mudarem. (influenciando de alguma forma, ou seja, por força ou ameaça, ou coisa assim).

OU seja, a ideia é: porque os capangas chegaram antes/primeiro e o fizeram "mudar a história/o relato". Eles o fizeram antes da confissão oficial ou acareação, por exemplo.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
See? get is like "Bombril" it is of very much use, it has thousands of applications in different contexts. We could write a book on its meanings in contexts.

Here some, if you want to play with it. But there more to it if you want to crawl within Reverso,, Linguee, and other reference sites. ... derno/get/
Domine todos os sons do inglês com o nosso novo curso de pronúncia. O professor Adir Ferreira, referência no ensino de pronúncia, criou este curso especialmente para o English Experts. INICIAR AGORA
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Confira a seguir os usos de get e got. Saiba que got é passado de get.
  • A. Get: ganhar [He got a present. She gets a lot of money. / Ele ganhou um presente. Ela ganha muito dinheiro.]
  • B. Get: entender [I get it. Do you get it? Got it? Don’t get me wrong. / Eu entendo. Você entende? Entendeu? Não me entenda mal.]
  • C. Get: pegar doença [He got dengue fever. / Ele pegou dengue.]
  • D. Get: ir buscar [Please go and get the books. Could you come and get me here at the station? / Por favor, vá buscar os livros. Você poderia vir me buscar aqui na estação?]
  • E. Get: obter, conseguir [He gets good grades. He gets bad grades. Did you get a job? / Ele consegue notas boas. Ele tira notas ruins. Você conseguiu um emprego?]
  • F. Get: chegar [You’ll get there. We got here early. I get to work on time. / Você vai chegar lá. Nós chegamos aqui cedo. Eu chego ao trabalho na hora certa.]
  • G. Get: ficar [Get rich. Get poor. Get tired. Get angry. Get happy. Get worried. Get better. / Ficar rico. Ficar pobre. Ficar cansado. Ficar com raiva. Ficar feliz. Ficar preocupado. Ficar melhor.]
  • H. Get: convencer, fazer com que [I got her to help. We will get it to work. / Eu a convenci a ajudar. Nós vamos fazer com que isto funcione.]
  • I. Get: receber (carta, email, etc) [I got a letter from them. Did you get an email? / Eu recebi uma carta deles. Você recebeu um email?]
  • J. Get: mandar fazer [I need to get my hair cut. We got the house painted. / Eu preciso mandar cortar o meu cabelo. Nós mandamos pintar a casa.]
Bons estudos.