Garranchos e letra de médico estão para o texto ...

Alessandro 3 13 98
Garranchos e letra de médico estão para o texto datilografado,
assim como sotaque estrangeiro está para a pronúncia nativa.

Messy writing and doctor’s scribbles are a poor representation of written language
in the same way that foreign accent is a poor imitation of native speech.


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6 respostas
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I once asked my doctor why he writes with all those scribbles,he answered me that the reazon why is that he is used to write like this since college when he had to put down to words everything the professor was teaching in the class orally. :o
dlr 1
I used to think that doctors scribbled so that it was more difficult to forge their writing, but now I think they do it just to mess with us!
felipeh6 7 58
I do not agree with the comparison between the two parts of that sentence. I do not "see" that a foreign accent is a poor imitation of native speech, because you have your own native accent, that is natural and when you're learning another language you try to be close of that accent that you're studying, but of course it is not easy. So, you're not imitating anything. "Poor imitation" seems to be something that you're not so interested to do and I believe that if you're studying a new language you make some effort to learn it in a correct way.
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
I worked as a transcriptionist and I suffered hell to transcribe all the doctors' scrawls and scribbles onto a printable report. Now doctors must by law write their transcriptions legibly in a way that the layman understands.
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Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Garranchos e letra de médico estão para o texto datilografado,
assim como sotaque estrangeiro está para a pronúncia nativa.

Messy writing and doctor’s scribbles are a poor representation of written language
in the same way that foreign accent is a poor imitation of native speech.

Another version:

Scribbles and doctor's handwriting are to typed text as a foreign accent is to native delivery.