Going x Coming

My brother said : - Dinner is ready.
And i said: - I'm going in 1 minute.

He said that the right is "I'm coming in 1 minute", but to me sounds so much better i'm going.

I'm going is it right or wrong?

take care

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3 respostas
Hello Brother!

In my opinion,Both are Right!

For me,they make almost the same sense!Note the diferences below (In my opinion)

Mom,I´m coming!(Mãe eu estou chegando,indo,normalmente eu uso quando a ação está perto de acontecer)

Mom,I´m going to eat!(Mãe,eu estou indo comer,talvez mais usado para quando está indo de um lugar para o outro)

This Is my opinion,I can be wrong,so,I advise you wait the Donay´s opinion...

I hope I´ve helped you! :ugeek:
Henry Cunha 3 18 191
In general, what counts is the location of each person in relation to the meal being served.

If A is by the dinner table waiting for B:

A: Dinner is ready
B: I'm coming [toward you].

If A is by the dinner table and C is with B away from the dinner table:

A: Dinner is ready.
C: A is calling you for dinner.
B: (addressing C) I'm going [toward A].
B: (addressing A) I'm coming [toward you].

This is mainly a relative location problem.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA