Há diferença entre "walk round" e "walk around"?

The other people working in the museum were friendly. There were two museum attendants, Ian Maxton and Derek Halliday. They walked round the old part of the museum; one of them upstairs, the other downstairs.

Não lembro de ter visto walk round, antes. Há diferença entre o uso de walk round e walk around?

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Não tenho muito certeza, mas, se não me engano, os britânicos preferem "walk round" enquanto os americanos dão preferência a "walk around". Há quem diga que os britânicos preferem "walk about".

Este sítio menciona essa diferença.
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6 49 1.3k
Walk round suggests what usually say in Portuguese "circular", this "circular" could make us think about several possibilities.

Such as:

-andar pelo interior (no caso da parte antiga do museu);
-caminhar ao redor da parte antiga do museu;
-dar uma caminhada (uma volta) pelo museu (sem que necessariamente haja círculo ou algo arredondado para dar essa volta.)

Assim como em português pode se traduzir como "circular/dar uma volta" com a ideia de ser em volta de algo arredondado ou sem essa ideia.

Yes, "walk around" = "walk about" would both mean perambulate (a more outdated word, kind of). That is, to stroll or saunter, walk in a place without a particular goal. Or just from a place to the other, if you wish.

Around is more of American English.
Round is more common in spoken English, one can see that by searching "walking round" on Google, plenty of "walking around" hits will come!

But then, using: interview "walking round" then hundreds of "walking round" will finally show up, indicating that in spoken (and colloquial) English it is really usual.

http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar ... d-or-round

Thanks Marcio, for your invaluable insight. As always, they came in handy.
Dúvida esclarecida. Obrigado pelas respostas!
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My pleasure, to help out a fellow learner! ;-)