Have x Eat (breakfast, lunch, dinner): Qual utilizar

Nós podemos usar os dois para qualquer um ou seria melhor usar algum para cada específico?
Tipo: have breakfast
have lunch
have dinner
Ou pode ser tbm eat breakfast, eat lunch e eat dinner,
Tanto faz? Já ouvi falar que "have" usa-se mais para beber e "eat" mais para comer. Por isso, have breakfast e eat lunch, eat dinner.
É verdade ou posso usar "have e eat" para qualquer um ( breakfast, lunch e dinner)?

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Em linhas gerais, aí seriam a mesma coisa.

Só há algumas situações específicas que imagino que "EAT" and "HAVE" não seriam "interchangeable", que seriam assim, olha:

"I'm starving, let's EAT!". Soaria bem estranho "I'm starving, let's HAVE!".


"I'm hungry, let's EAT at that pizza place". Soaria bem estranho "I'm hungry; let's HAVE at that pizza place".

Com "HAVE" teria que ser algo assim: "I'm hungry; let's HAVE pizza at that place".

Mas como o PPAULO bem falou, provavelmente você seria entendido por um nativo de qualquer jeito.
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Some grammarians and English natives point out that "have" has a ring of "eating and drinking" and eat breakfast is slightly 'more on the eating side'.

Others would claim that "have" is more natural, colloquial, etc, whereas by using "eat breakfast" is usually associated with 'fuel' we provide to our body. That is, "eat breakfast" is often associated with the intake of calories.

Sites with information on diet and fitness usually use the second (eat...), seemingly to add some formality to language (trying to add credibility perhaps).
In general, they can be interchangeable though. I mean, you don´t get sued if you use one or the other. :-)