Homophones, what are they?

Cinnamon 16 60 498
Hi guys!

I was wondering if I could tell you something about words called "homophones".

Simple Definition of homophone
a word that is pronounced like another word but is different in meaning, origin, or spelling

Full Definition of homophone
one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling (as the words to, too, and two)

a character or group of characters pronounced the same as another character or group

Source merriam-webster.com

I know many things related to "homophones" can be found here (English Experts). However, I would like to share with you how I improved my ability to identify such words.

Firstly, I would like to say that sometimes we fail to spot homophones both when speaking/listening or reading. It happens because of vowels in Englisn can be tricky. While in Portuguese we can just find a few sounds when it comes to "a, e, i, o and u", in English the sounds are many. In fact, a lot of possibilities.
Take the words "live and leave", for instance, one can say they have the same pronunciation. Actually, they don't.
My secret was to study homophones mainly listening to music.
There is no better way to identify those words, due to the fact that we need context to tell them apart. Songs have context... So when listening to songs in English, I mean good songs, the given word is obviously in the context.

Example bear (noun) or bear (verb) vs bare (ajective)
How many songs do you know in which "bear" is "urso". Weird, isn't it? ;)
I know in Portuguese "meu ursinho blau blau de brinquedo" an awful song from my point of view. Well, but taste is taste. :roll:
Now, we have the verb or adjective. Thinking about collocation (which words are used together), bare eye is surely bare not bear. "
"Olho nu" in our language.

I guess I talk to much... :lol:
Try to do the same. Listen to music, get the lyrics and try to identify which word is being used.

See a list of those tricky words below:



Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
11 respostas
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Cinnamon 16 60 498
I'm back!

Two words,
One is berry
The other :?: Do you know a word with the same sound?
It is amazing...

OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Excellent, Cinnamon! 'Homophones' is such an interesting subject to search about, very nice.

One more example of homophone> 'Heard'(Past simple and participle of hear) and 'Herd'(Rebanho) They are pronounced exactly the same way.


And 'Hymn' and 'Him are also pronounced the same way.


But there are words like 'Hallow' and 'Hollow' that seem to have the same pronunciation but they don't.

Hallow> /ˈhɑl·oʊ/
Hollow> ˈhæl·oʊ

OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
'Bury' =)
Cinnamon 16 60 498
A bit odd, isn't it?

Cinnamon 16 60 498

Dentre os exemplos agrupados abaixo um deles "pode" ter o mesmo som, configurando "homophones".
Contudo, o outro grupo contém palavras cuja pronúncia claramente diverge, isto é, não são "homophones" .

São elas:

Horse - Hoarse


Peak - PeeK - Pick

Sabe dizer quais podem ser "homophones"?

Por fim, vale à pena verificar os significados das palavras acima.
“Hoarse”, por exemplo é:
(Of a person’s voice) sounding rough and harsh, typically as the result of a sore throat or of shouting: a hoarse whisper
Source: Cambridge Dictionary

See you around!
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Hey, Cinnamon!

'Hoarse' e 'Horse' têm a mesma pronúncia.(/hɔːrs/)

'Peak' e 'peek' têm a mesma pronúncia e são homophones(som do i longo) já PICK tem o som do i curto.

Phonetics is a very interesting subject, isn't it? ;)
Cinnamon 16 60 498

Actually,... pode haver diferença em "horse" para o inglês britânico:
/hɔːs/, diferença pequena, mas existe.

No contexto é que, normalmente, vamos identificar qual palavra está sendo utilizada.

OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Essas palavras aqui podem causar um pouco de confusão> Cheap-Chip-Sheep-Ship <

Assim como 'Pan' e 'Pen'.

Elas parecem ter a mesma pronúncia mas na verdade têm sons bem diferentes..
Excelente post. Mais duas que conheço muitos falando errado:
Cheat: /tʃiːt/
Sh*t: /ʃɪt/
OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
'Keen' e 'Kin' também podem confundir
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
Olá novamente
Acabei encontrando este site, vale a pena conferir
http://www.singularis.ltd.uk/bifroest/m ... -list.html