How much is x How much are: Qual utilizar?

Pode paracer principiante, mas me peguei nesta duvida a alguns minutos atras.. rsrs


"How much is a cheeseburger?"
"How much is a cheeseburger and an orange juice?"

A duvida vem pelo fato de 'usar ou não ARE insted of IS' na 2ª sentenca.. pq me lembrei que, por exemplo, em uma loja onde eu esteja comprando calcados e em duvida a respeito de 3 deles, poderia dizer "How much are they?" com o sentido do preco de cada um deles.. :T

acho q deu pra entender a duvida rsrs..


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7 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Why not try, "How much does a cheeseburger cost?" and "How much do a cheeseburger and a glass of orange juice cost?"?
I got it marcio,

But in those cases just to understand the grammar point of it, the fact of using 'a' cheeseburger and 'an' orange juice may be the reason of maintaining the 'IS' in the 2nd sentence..

Is this way of thinking correct?

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k


A forma "How much is a cheeseburger and an orange juice?", é correta e a mais recomendada. Veja alguns comentários feito por falantes nativos:


How much is a hamburger and chips and an orange juice?

Why the verb is singular?

Can I say "How much are a hamburger and chips?"


Good question! ;)

How much is a hamburger and chips and an orange juice?

I would explain it this way:
You need to use the singular "is" here because you are talking about the cost of one single order in a restaurant.

Bons estudos!
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
I thoroughly agree with your reply and donay's insightful addition. We must assume or infer that in asking the question, the speaker clearly refers to the cost of, and correctly uses a third-person singular verb for, a single (placed) order.
Thx you very much guys.

It was very helpful.
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In this case, you use "is", as spoken before.

But you will use "are", when you are talking about more than a thing. Exemple: How much are these pens???
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
rcezar escreveu:[...]It was very helpful.
Was? You mean it no longer is helpful?