Hypertext Markup Language: Por que essa ordem?

Pessoal, estou no curso técnico de informática, aí nós estávamos na aula de programação pra internet e nosso professor ia ensinar pra gente a linguagem chamada HTML, aí ele primeiramente nos disse o significado da sigla: HyperText Markup Language (que significa Linguagem de Marcação de Hipertexto em português). Aí me bateu uma dúvida: Por que para se dizer "Linguagem de Marcação de Hipertexto" em inglês a gente usa "HyperText Markup Language" em vez de "Markup HyperText Language"? Sei que a palavra "Language" fica depois dessas duas palavras pelo fato de ela ser um substantivo, e as outras duas palavras ficam antes de "Language" pelo fato de elas serem adjetivos e estarem caracterizando a palavra "Language". Mas não consigo entender a ordem entre o "HyperText" e o "Markup" tipo por que o HyperText fica antes do MarkUp mesmo já tendo lido vários artigos aqui no fórum sobre ordem dos adjetivos, por isso gostaria que vocês me ajudassem.

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Em Inglês adjetivos vêm antes do substantivo, e como o Paulo explicou, o substantivo "hypertext" está funcionando como a adjetivo de "markup" e ambos estão modificando o substantivo "language "
Que tipo de marcação é ?"de hipertexto"... e que tipo de linguagem é ? "De marcação de hipertexto".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Well, to the ones non-acquainted to computation, the ones like me. I will bring from the Web this short explanation:

Markup refers to the sequence of characters or other symbols that you insert at certain places in a text or word processing file to indicate how the file should look when it is printed or displayed or to describe the document's logical structure. The markup indicators are often called "tags." For example, this particular paragraph is preceded by a:
(or paragraph tag)
so that it will be separated by an empty line from the preceding line.

So a markup would be something like "uma marcação da linguagem para fins de impressão, quando do "output" (saída) ou coisa parecida. Tal "mark up" tem a ver com "como ficará a apresentação do site" etc. Ou assim espero! :D

Em Spanish I have seen it as "lenguaje de marcas."

Adding up an "X" (xml) would turn into extensive markup language.

Now to the grammar point...

As per this site explanation: http://grammar.about.com/od/ab/g/Adjective-Order.htm
Semantic Factors Affecting Adjective Order
"In most publications that discuss adjective order, the semantics of the adjectives is presented as the main factor determining their ordering, although phonological and pragmatic factors (like euphony, idiomacy and emphasis) are generally thought to have some influence as well. The publications do not agree, however, on the nature of the semantic factor that is responsible for the order of the adjectives. Biber et al. (1999) argue that (English) adjectives expressing inherent features have to stand closer to the noun than those expressing non-inherent features (e.g. a new red ball). Martin (1969), Posner (1986) and Sproat and Shih (1988), on the other hand, assume that the crucial factor for adjective ordering is their (in)dependence on comparison (i.e. the degree in which recognition of the feature asks for comparison with other objects). They argue that the less dependent on comparison, the nearer the adjective is placed to the noun. Hetzron (1978) and Risselada (1984), in their turn, suppose that the subjectivity/objectivity of the adjectives controls their position: the more objective the quality expressed by the adjective (i.e. the more a matter of recognition instead of opinion), the closer to the noun it has to be expressed (e.g. a nice green shirt, *a green nice shirt). Wulff (2003), finally, concludes on the basis of a statistical corpus analysis that various factors affect adjective ordering, of which (in)dependence on comparison, affective load and the subjectivity/objectivity of the adjective are most influential."
(Stéphanie J. Bakker, The Noun Phrase in Ancient Greek. Brill, 2009)

So, to my thinking. In "MARKUP language" markup is the essence, the "inherent" feature. Markup is what defines that language, what qualifies it.

Hypertext is text that links to other information. By clicking on a link in a hypertext document, a user can quickly jump to different content. http://www.techterms.com/definition/hypertext

See? got it? the inherent feature of HTML is that ML part. I mean, without jumping quickly from a site to another it would continue on being a MARKUP LANGUAGE.
By the way, MARKUP LANGUAGE, and Hypertext a protocol. Without which would be a (markup) language just the same.

I hope it helps.
If it does, you can use the "thumbs up" sign and increase my "reputation", he he. :lol: