I don't think I'll x I think I won't: Qual a diferença

I think I won't go to the party.
I don't think I'll go to the party.

Essas duas frases estão corretas? Possuem o mesmo sentido?


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5 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
A segunda me parece mais idiomática do que a primeira.

"Nah, I don't think I'll go the party tonight. Have to wake up early tomorrow."

Mas vamos ouvir a opinião dos demais.
Hey, man.

It sounds ok for me. Both. However, I don't know why but it seems cooler and useful the second one. So probably I would say " I don't think I will go" instead of "I think I will not...".

As you've told, I would say: " I think I am not going to the party".

But this is something about me.
Translating it would be

Eu não acho que vou.
Eu acho que não vou.

It doesn't not really mean something wrong. None of them.
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Oi Letícia!

Está sim. Faz apenas oposição de sentido, mas as duas negam a situação.
