I live near (the) school: Posso usar o the nesse caso?

t@ta 1
Hello guys!

Qdo quero dizer que alguém está perto/longe da escola, devo ou não utilizar o the?
Ex: I live near school ou I live near the school????

I work at church ou I work at the church????

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Olá T@ta,

A)I live near the school.(Eu moro perto da escola.)

B)I´m near the school.(Estou perto da escola.)

C)I live far away from the schol.(Moro longe da escola.)

Boa sorte! ;)
timphillips 11
Ola T@ta e Donay,

For me,
the omission of the word 'the' implies a familiarity or "vinculo" with the place. Putting the word 'the' excludes that familiarity.
I went to school
Here it is implicit that you went to the school you usually go to, the school you are enrolled in.

We went to the school to talk to the headteacher.
This is a school, any school but not one that you have some pre-established/obvious/known relationship with.

I go to church every Sunday.
Here it is implicit that you are talking about `your` church.

It was dark when we went into the church.
Here we are talking about a specific church but not one that you have some kind of relationship with.

Hope this helps
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Hi folks,

#When you use the article "the" it means that people already know what you´re talking about,it makes the noun specific.

#Quando se usa o artigo "the" significa que as pessoas já sabem do que você está falando,ele torna o substantivo específico.

Boa sorte pessoal!