In my front ou In front of me

Sei que "in front of me" é muito mais utilizado, mas fiquei em dúvida se "in my front" é correto após um amigo que está aprendendo inglês utilizá-lo nesta frase:
"I feel angry when she stands in my front".

"In my front" está correto nessa frase?

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2 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
You can't refer to the field of vision that is what you see right before your eyes with your body in a neutral position as "your front". "Your front" in most contexts would refer to the part of your body that is the opposite of your rear/back, that's probably how it would come off to others if you use it in a sentence unless the context somehow obviously suggests what you mean which is "in front of me".
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
No, the word worder is "in front of me". I hope this helps.