Indicação de seriado ou filme com temas da área da saúde

Alguém teria alguma indicação de seriado ou filme, com temas da área da saúde, medicina e etc? No próximo ano vou prestar TEAP, e acredito que filmes e seriados ajudariam nos estudos ! Obrigada

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
There are some on TV the likes of "Grey Anatomy", ER, Private Practice (a spin-off of Grey Anatomy), Dr. House (a diagnostic drama with an assortment of different cases).
As for movies I will leave it to others to answer, since there are some movies wich the subject are some conditions (Lorenzo's oil, Rain Man) etc, some that features characters with Amnesia, OCD, and so on. Anyway, to watch an entire film to learn about a single subject, can be a bit time-consuming...
As a complement (leisure time, if any), you can read some papers on the Scielo site, the BBC "Health" column, and others.
Let's wait for more comments from experts.

On Youtube you can also see some clips on a range of matters, like cardiology, neurology, what you have.
On chanells like this: Youtube and grey's anatomy this is my favorits series
House, Hart of Dixie, Grey's Anatomy...
OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Se quiser um livro com esse tema > 'Nothing Lasts Forever' do Sidney Sheldon é ótimo!