Influence in x Influence on: Qual utilizar

Qual é o certo: usar in ou on após influence?

Veja o exemplo:

They study the influence of imperfections in/on the buckling critical load in terms of their amplitude, wavelength, curvature and shape.

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1 resposta
Cinnamon 16 60 498
São várias as preposições utilizadas com a palavra "influence", contudo, quando nos referimos à influência em relação a alguém ou alguma coisa, ou influência sobre alguém ou alguma coisa "on" deve ser utilizado.

Veja os exemplos:
Businesses make large contributions to members of Congress, hoping to influence their votes on key issues.
The kid next door is a bad/good influence on Kevin.
Helen's a bad/good influence on him.
My grandmother had a strong influence on my early childhood.
We live in an increasingly secular society, in which religion has less and less influence on our daily lives.
From Cambridge Dictionary
