Information is an uncountable and countable word?

Hi everybody,

I've learned that the word "information" is uncountable but sometimes it can be countable too.
So I would like to know if the sentence below is correct:
Could you send me an information ? or the sentence has to be : Could you send me a piece of information?
Thank you so much!

Maria Lucia

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4 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Olá miedu09

Desconheço o uso de information no plural.
Para a sua pergunta, eu usaria: Could you send me some information (about)?
A piece of information está correto tb.
ou 'further information' (mais informações)

leia tb: i-need-some-informations-to-x-i-need-so ... t1114.html
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

"Information" é incontável.As formas adequadas são:"Some information";"A piece of information" ou apenas "information".Não recomendo o uso de "an information".

Bons estudos!
Thank you so much Flavia and Donay for your helpful and prompt answer!
Maria Lucia
Alessandro 3 13 98