Inversão da ordem/posição dos verbos - did, do, have, to be

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
"Officers can be seen in the footage pushing the crowd back and one officer is shown to remove his Taser from its holster, although at no time was it ever deployed. Clearly, in those initial early stages, officers would have been unaware of what had occurred and where the suspect(s) might be, and their priority would have been to prevent further injury or loss of life.

Gostaria de saber quando podemos colocar o verbo "to be" antes do sujeito, mesmo quando não se tratar de uma pergunta. Nesse caso, poderíamos colocar o verbo "to be" depois do sujeito?

Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Como já foi tratado aqui, estas inversões são comuns em linguagem formal.

Negative and restrictive adverbs:

In formal English, it is quite common to use inversion after negative adverbial expressions and restrictive words such as only, never, hardly and little.• At no time did he get permission for what he was doing.•Not until the next morning did she realise how serious it was.• Only later did they learn his terrible secret.• Never beforehaveI seen such awful behaviour.• Hardly had we walked in the door when the phone started ringing.• Little do you know how much trouble you are in.

Inversion of Order