Jack Conte - Time of Your Life

Time of Your Life is a VideoSong, a new medium with 2 rules:

1. What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice).
2. If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds).
Still searching,
still guessing,
still lurching,
but are you having the time of your life?

Still waiting,
still pacing,
still playing,
but are you having the time of your life?

Help me!
I don't know what to be anymore!

Still checking,
still chasing,
still dressing,
but are you having the time of your life?

Same faces,
same stories,
same places.

Help me!
I am salt in the sea.

Still searching,
still guessing,
still lurching,
but are you having the time of your life?
Are you having the time of your life?

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