Juicy x Shake: Qual a diferença

Hi, there everybody

For the first time I have some questions.
What´s the difference between juicy and shake.
And when we blend vegetable ( carrots, beets, etc.) and oat with fruits.
How do they call it? Is there an especific term to it?
Do they make this kind of blending?
would it be even "Shake"?

I asked it to a friend of mine who is Nigerian and he hasn´t known any term to it.

thank you very very much

see you!!! :D

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Hi there! guys

I haven´t expected a so detailed answer. I´m very suprised and grateful.

I by myself have studied hard to become a teacher officially because I´ve already taught.

I also want to help people here as I have been helped.

This blog is great!! I´m so glad I found you.

I Thank you tooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see you!
Hi João
I was jobless when I received an e-mail requesting graduated people to work as a teacher in store. I sent my CV and I was called to a interview in SENAC. When I got there I was informed that it was about a federal government social project to promote learning and sporting activities in slums in Rio. There were several subjects including English. So I said: "I get English! Can teach English too". The interviewer told me I had to do an exam at that time. It had been a long time I studied English, but I answered her: "yes I do the exam now". I did and passed and I have taught since June. Now I long to be a teacher officially. many other haven´t passed. people that have already taught in course and graduated in Arts.

I teach in Manguinhos, Rio.

that´s that
any more question?
If anyone get another oportunity to me I thank
see you!
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Um termo sendo usado é "smoothie." Veja http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Blen ... it-Chiller

"Blended fruit chiller" seria um nome mais genérico. "Chiller" é usado como substantivo aqui, modificado pelo que o antecede. "To chill" significa refrigerar até ficar bem frio.

"Shake" (literalmente, "chacoalhada") geralmente se vê como "milk shake", que vc deve conhecer.

A palavra "juicy" não é usada como um substantivo, que eu saiba. Significa "com bastante suco," como em "A juicy orange," ou "a juicy drink". Não sei se em português transformaram ela em substantivo.

Hope this helps!
Se você não se importa, vou colar aqui o significado das três coisas:

juic·y (js)
adj. juic·i·er, juic·i·est
1. Full of juice; succulent.
a. Richly interesting: a juicy mystery novel.
b. Racy; titillating: a juicy bit of gossip.
3. Yielding profit; rewarding or gratifying: a juicy raise; a juicy part in a play.
juici·ly adv.
juici·ness n.

[juicier, juiciest]
1. full of juice
2. Informal interesting and exciting: juicy details

shake (shk)
v. shook (shk), shak·en (shkn), shak·ing, shakes
1. To cause to move to and fro with jerky movements.
2. To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock.
3. To cause to lose stability or waver: a crisis that shook my deepest beliefs.
4. To remove or dislodge by jerky movements: shook the dust from the cushions.
a. To bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking: "It is not easy to shake one's heart free of the impression" (John Middleton Murry).
b. Slang To get rid of: couldn't shake the man who was following us.
6. To disturb or agitate; unnerve: She was shaken by the news of the disaster.
7. To brandish or wave, especially in anger: shake one's fist.
8. To clasp (hands) in greeting or leave-taking or as a sign of agreement.
9. Music To trill (a note).
10. Games To rattle and mix (dice) before casting.
1. To move to and fro in short, irregular, often jerky movements.
2. To tremble, as from cold or in anger.
3. To be unsteady; totter or waver.
4. To move something vigorously up and down or from side to side, as in mixing.
5. Music To trill.
6. To shake hands: Let's shake on it.
1. The act of shaking.
2. A trembling or quivering movement.
3. Informal An earthquake.
a. A fissure in rock.
b. A crack in timber caused by wind or frost.
5. Informal A moment or instant; a trice: I'll do it in a shake.
6. Music A trill.
a. See milk shake.
b. A beverage in which the ingredients are mixed by shaking.
8. A rough shingle used to cover rustic buildings, such as barns: cedar shakes.
9. shakes Informal Uncontrollable trembling, as in a person who is cold, frightened, feverish, or ill. Often used with the: was suffering from a bad case of the shakes.
10. Slang A bargain or deal: getting a fair shake.
Phrasal Verbs:
shake down
1. Slang To extort money from.
2. Slang To make a thorough search of: shook down the prisoners' cells for hidden weapons.
3. To subject (a new ship or aircraft) to shakedown testing.
4. To become acclimated or accustomed, as to a new environment or a new job.
shake off
To free oneself of; get rid of: We shook off our fears.
shake up
1. To upset by or as if by a physical jolt or shock: was badly shaken up by the accident.
2. To subject to a drastic rearrangement or reorganization: new management bent on shaking up the company.
give (someone) the shake Slang
To escape from or get rid of: We managed to give our pursuers the shake.
no great shakes Slang
Unexceptional; ordinary: "stepping in between the victim and the bully, even when the victim happens to be no great shakes" (Louis Auchincloss).
shake a leg Informal
1. To dance.
2. To move quickly; hurry up.
shake (another's) tree Slang
To arouse to action or reaction; disturb: "[He] so shook Hollywood's tree that . . . all manner of . . . people called me unsolicited to itemize his mistakes or praise his courage" (Tina Brown).
shake a stick at Slang
To point out, designate, or name: "All of a sudden there came into being a vast conservative infrastructure: think-tanks . . . and more foundations than you could shake a stick at" (National Review).
[Middle English schaken, from Old English sceacan.]
shaka·ble, shakea·ble adj.
Synonyms: shake, tremble, quake, quiver1, shiver1, shudder
These verbs mean to manifest involuntary vibratory movement. Shake is the most general: The floor shook when I walked heavily across the room.
Tremble implies quick, rather slight movement, as from excitement, weakness, or anger: The speaker trembled as he denounced his opponents.
Quake refers to more violent movement, as that caused by shock or upheaval: I was so scared that my legs began to quake.
Quiver suggests a slight, rapid, tremulous movement: "Her lip quivered like that of a child about to cry" (Booth Tarkington).
Shiver involves rapid trembling, as of a person experiencing chill: "as I in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow" (Robert Southwell).
Shudder applies chiefly to convulsive shaking caused by fear, horror, or revulsion: "She starts like one that spies an adder/ . . . The fear whereof doth make him shake and shudder" (Shakespeare). See Also Synonyms at agitate, dismay.

blend (blnd)
v. blend·ed or blent (blnt), blend·ing, blends
1. To combine or mix so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one another: "He has no difficulty blending his two writing careers: novels and films" (Charles E. Claffey).
2. To combine (varieties or grades) to obtain a mixture of a particular character, quality, or consistency: blend tobaccos.
1. To form a uniform mixture: "The smoke blended easily into the odor of the other fumes" (Norman Mailer).
2. To become merged into one; unite.
3. To create a harmonious effect or result: picked a tie that blended with the jacket. See Synonyms at mix.
a. The act of blending.
b. Something, such as an effect or a product, that is created by blending: "His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence" (John Fowles). See Synonyms at mixture.
2. Linguistics A word produced by combining parts of other words, as smog from smoke and fog.
[Middle English blenden, probably from Old Norse blanda, blend-; see bhel-1 in Indo-European roots.]

1. to mix or mingle (components)
2. to mix (different varieties of tea, whisky, etc.)
3. to look good together; harmonize
4. (esp. of colours) to shade gradually into each other
a mixture produced by blending [Old English blandan]
When you said you are a English teacher you were meaning it? :shock:

Which English School are you teaching and where is it? :roll: