Keep (sth) TO x FOR x WITH you: qual a diferença?

1) I was hanging out with my friends in / at a bar and we ordered appetizers, which came very quickly. But some of my friends / friends of mine started to eat all the snacks and I said: ''Let's keep it FOR / TO the others too'' (because there are still more people to come)

2) I bought a beautiful necklace for my cousin's birthday, but instead of giving it to / for her, I decided to keep it for / to / with myself and buy her another gift.

3) A friend offering a piece of any food to me - my reply: ''Thank you, but I've already eaten too much, keep it FOR / TO / WITH you.''

4) I've just told you my secret,
please keep it for / to / with you
please keep it for / to / with yourself.
(by this phrase I mean, do not spread around, with others: don't tell (to) somebody else - uso a preposição ''to'' aqui? ou só ''don't tell somebody else'' ? )

As palavras sublinhadas são aquelas que eu tive dúvida também mas o que está em negrito são as minhas dúvidas principais mesmo (relacionado ao tópico). Se puderem tirar minhas dúvidas, principalmente a mais importante: a diferença entre KEEP IT TO/FOR/WITH you (ou yourself), ou seja, quando usar cada um, ficarei muito grata :)

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2 respostas
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OEstudantedeIngles 2 16 113
Hey =)
My suggestions:

I was hanging out with my friends In a bar.

But some of my friends ...

We should save it for the others. ( I think the verb 'save' fits well in this situation)

I bought a beautiful necklace for my cousin's birthday, but instead of giving it To her, I decided to keep it and get her another gift.

I've just told you my secret, > Please keep it TO yourself. (Don't tell anyone else)

'Thank you, but I've already eaten too much, you can keep it for yourself

Thank you, but I'm still a bit confused about the usage of "save" and "keep". Why can't I use "keep" in the first example? Could you explain to me the differences between them?