Let's go do something x Let's do something: Diferença

Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Does "Let's go dance" greatly differ from "Let's dance"?

Will the dancer in the first option dance as much as in the second?

Does "Let's go dance" contain an invisible "and" (between go and dance)?

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Para mim, não há muita diferença. "Go" pode ser omitido, e é omitido na maioria dos casos. Dizer "let's go dance" e "let's dance" dá no mesmo. A impressão que tenho é a de que "go" sugere movimento/deslocamento para outro lugar.

Ótima pergunta!
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Obrigado, donay. :)
Daniel.S 1 2 11
Taking a closer look at the ''let's go do something x let's do something'' dilema, are there any differences between the the two following examples?


Jack: I'm bored.
Richard: So I am.
Jack: Let's go do something.
Jack: good call!


Paul: Poor Monica, she so wants to go to the Nuyu Band concert but has spent all her money with her sick gramma.
James: I know. She kepting on saying she couldn't belive she'd miss that.
Paul: Let's do something about it.
James: I'll gather the others and see what we can do.