Live event tomorrow. Topic: Environment and Earth

maryziller 1 2
Tomorrow is a live event. The topic is Earthcast10. OR (scroll down the page to the announcement)

The link for joining elluminate tomorrow is:

You can participate in the live event by typing in the chat and listening to the audio during the session. Listeners can talk towards the end if they have a headset.

Guests can ask questions or share examples of how they are planning to celebrate Earth Day (or have celebrated it in the past)

Earthcast10 concurrent event at

We are celebrating earth hour tomorrow. People around the world will be turning off their lights to save energy and think about the Earth.

"Earth 2010 and the earthbridges’ earthcast

On April 22th 2010 not only the disney company is encouraged in special activities. Also the earthbridges network will launch their earthcast. But What is the erathcast? It is a 24 h live webcast around the world, where students all over the world aim to participate, and present their work in their native language.

The challenge is presenting it live. This means there is a need of producers and listeners. Producers in the sense of scholars articulating and producing the material. Listeners in the sense of people all aver the world aiming to listen to the live programm and participating in the various channels and possibilities of discussion and discourse. In this sense: What is the biggest value to the students work: Beeing recognized and understood.

So, if your are open for their words as a listener take a look at the
If you want to produce something with your class / group of students / scholars or participate anyhow: Enter the planning wiki here:"

Blog author:
Andreas Auwärter ... ine/?p=995

You can add to the voicethread. There is a slide in the voicethread to demonstrate support for multiple languages:

These are the sites bookmarked on Diigo for earthcast09:

Sabe a resposta? Seja um colaborador(a)! Ao responder questões no English Experts você ganha pontos de Reputação. Se você atua na área de idiomas, suas participações na comunidade podem ser uma ótima vitrine para o seu trabalho.

Registre-se agora e faça parte!