Melody x Tune: Qual a diferença

Melodia em inglês pode ser tune ou melody. Qual é a diferença e como utilizar?

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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
>> melodia.
>> música

Related expressions:
- in tune = afinado
- out of tune = desafinado

Note: Melody is the sequence of notes placed on top of the musical harmony, which determines the identity of a song. It is often associated with what we sing or whistle, but in musicology, the melody is the sequence of notes played successively. A tune is considered a short section of music, usually containing harmony and possibly multiple melodies. Tune can also mean solely the melody, but almost never solely the harmony. The word "tune" is quite generic and in some traditions may be strung together in medleys or "sets".

(1) Pearson Educaton. Longman Dictionary. 2004.
(2) TRIPPETT, David. Wagner's Melodies. Cambridge University Press. 2013.
(3) APEL, Willi. Harvard Dictionary of Music. 1944.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Tune e melody podem ser usados como melodia em inglês. Tune é mais comum em linguagem coloquial.

- I like the tune, but not the words. [Eu gosto da melodia, mas não da letra.]
- The tune is beautiful, but the lyrics are desolate. [A melodia é bonita, mas a letra é desoladora.]

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