Meu Transcript de Billy Graham Crusade

Gosto muito das cruzadas evangelísticas de Billy Graham, e mesmo com pouco conhecimento básico na língua inglesa, estou tentando reproduzir um transcript em Inglês das palavras proferidas no evento com objetivo de aprimorar minha audição no idioma Inglês e aumentar meu vocabulário.

Prezados Amigos, por gentileza, vocês poderiam verificar meu transcript juntamente com o vídeo no youtube? Caso queiram me ajudar, corrigindo e identificando palavras que não consegui identificar, peço que assistam o vídeo a partir de 02:00 até 03:05.
Minha Tentativa:

And every night for ten night’s now real at Anaheim Stadium we been seeing in praising the name our precious lord.

We lifted his name tonight but you know only in America I believe.

Good we have a miding light this work so many different language groups allgether.

In a great football and baseball Stadium complex laity Anaheim Stadium and all be part to the past ...from part to the past until sing together, I don’t undertand... sing together God bless America, and us we do, let’s praise God for the privilegie, that we have ...from that we have until worship to him, I don’t undertand... worship him and have in this time of celebration together, so follow me and let’s ...I don’t understand the word after and let’s... this great song ...I don’t understand the last words after “this great song”

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Here you go (my first tentatively answer):

Now here at Ananheim Stadium (I agree with the subtitled version) we´ve been singing and praising...
Our precious Lord
(Lord - with capital letter there.)

We lifted high his name...

...only in America, I believe (1), could we have a meeting like this, where so many different language groups are gathered [ajuntados/agrupados/reunidos]...

...complex like Anaheim Stadium and it will be packed to capacity [ficará totalmente cheio/lotado (até sua capacidade máxima)] as those that already are in the halls will take their place [uma vez que os que já estão nos corredores vão tomar/tomem seus lugares]

Note # (1): comma meaning a brief pause.

The subtitles make a very few and slight mistakes, perhaps out of haste.
Others may improve this answer, as they listen to it, should they listen and hear something different.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Now the second and last installment on that one:

...complex like (not laity) Anaheim Stadium...
and we ought to sing togheter (devemos cantar juntos)

Obs: "Ought" é um "modal verb" que expressa "fortemente" uma obrigação, dever, conselho. Isto é, uma obrigação expressa de forma mais contundente/fortemente/firme. Se fosse de uma forma menos veemente, mais fraca, seria "should" (com a mesma tradução em português, expressando obrigação/dever/conselho).

...and as we do, let´s praise God for the privilege that we have in this great land of ours and worshiping him
(e enquanto o fazemos [referindo-se a "cantar juntos" mencionado na passagem anterior] vamos dar graças a Deus pelo privilégio que nós temos nesse grande país (nessa terra maravilhosa, etc) e adorá-lo/cultuá-lo...

I don’t understand the last words after “this great song”
Neither do I, buddy. It beats me! Anyway, it would make little difference to the whole event, unless someone listening that was/is a bit perfectionist!
Now I leave the ball on the Experts´court.
Paulo, primeiramente, agradeço sua atenção à minha postagem.

Segundo, quero parabeniza-lo por sua percepção auditiva. Você conseguiu esclarecer muitos pontos que não consegui captar.

Por fim, quero informar que consegui identificar mais alguns pontos, os quais estão em negrito e gostaria, por gentileza, de saber se você poderia agora, com o transcript de um modo mais completo, conseguir captar algo a mais do trecho que não consegui.

And every night for ten night’s now here at Ananheim Stadium we´ve been singing and praising the name of our precious Lord.

We lifted high his name tonight but you know only in America, I believe.

Could we have a meeting like this, where so many different language groups are gathered in a great football and baseball Stadium complex like Anaheim Stadium and it will be packed to capacity as those that already are in the halls will take their place and seventy thousand people ought to sing togheter God bless America, and as we do, let´s praise God for the privilege that we have in this great land of ours and worshiping him and have in this time of celebration together, so follow me and let’s thank the Lord together with this great song.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
There was some punctuation issues, since talking not necessarily goes in synch with writing. One can see that by trying to sing some tune by reading the lyrics! The subtitles don´t deal with those issues, either.

We lifted high his name tonight but you know only in America, I believe, could we have a meeting like this; where so many different language groups are gathered in a great football and baseball Stadium complex like Anaheim Stadium.

"I believe" here is a parenthetical construction there, we could take it out and the rest would make perfect sense. So it should come inside parenthesis. The same usually happens to fragments like "that is", "in fact" and others.


...and it will be packed to capacity as those that already are in the halls will take their place. (period after "place")

Nearly seventy thousand people ought to sing togheter...

...and worshipping Him and having this time of celebration togheter. (period/punctuation) So, following me...
(Him, since it refers to Lord, capitalized before. It would suggest religious respect, awe, in such texts.)

I think you have improved you listening skills, certainly you are getting used to the speaker´s diction.
Thanks your great help.