Modal Verbs and Adverbs of Frequency

Pessoal, como fica a ordem dos adverbs of frequency perante os modal verbs nas estruturas interrogativas e negativas. Ficaria como abaixo?

A) Negative: She can't usually do this. = Ela não pode normalmente fazer isso.

B) Interrogative: Will she never see it? = Ela nunca verá isso?

Está correto?

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6 49 1.3k
A) She usually can't do this.
It's worth noticing that the verb can not in the sense of hability. So, the above written could be in the sense of possibility or to refuse a request.
So, let's say someone ask to her "could you park my car on the front of the store?" and someone else, a manager, say "She usually can't do this, but today we will open an exception."
"Ela não pode normalmente não faz isso" depends on context, it could be expressed as "she normally wouldn't do that". (here it's something of her own volition or preference).
B) Will she never see it?
Yes, it's correct. Other option would be "will she never notice it?" or even better "will she never notice that?"
It - is usually used with things that you have mentioned, as in "there's a cat in the windowsill, will she never notice it?" And it would denote surprise that she doesn't notice, perhaps even exasperation (where you would use the exclamation point).
On the other hand if you has hopes that she will notice but is uncertain if she will; then you could express by "will she ever notice?"
With "will she never notice it?... It would mean "ela não vai perceber/não vai notar?" and with
Will she ever notice? It would mean será que ela vai notar (um dia/uma hora)?
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
Thank you so much for your explanation about the difference between the sentences. For me, before, it would be the same thing. You know, we have three sentences with different senses depending on the context, for example:

A) Will she never see that?
B) Will she never see it? (About something before mentioned)
C) Will she ever see?

Sobre a sentença do tipo c, ela fica sem o complemento mesmo? Assim: eu aprendi que as frases em inglês devem ter obrigatoriamente sujeito + verbo + complemento. Eu deveria colocar um it ou um that no final? Ou do jeito que está fica gramaticalmente correta?
6 49 1.3k
No caso do tipo c, sim se você tiver mencionado o que ela era ver (ou entender/perceber - outros significados de "see".)
O objeto de que trata o "see" poderá ser mencionado antes ou depois desse verbo. Para ilustrar, vai uma poesia que peguei do site Hellopoetry:
Can't she see,
Can't she see,
Can't she see,
How can't she see?
When will she see?
Will she ever see?
Will she ever see?
Will she ever?
The people aren't the problem,
The problem is she.

Ou seja, o tema de que se trata foi mencionado ao final da poesia, caso não houvesse as duas últimas linhas não se saberia de que se trata.
Em suma, normalmente deve-se ter sujeito-verbo-complemento. Nesse caso particular, as duas últimas linhas seriam mais ou menso o equivalente ao complemento. Da mesma forma que o "see it" do caso b; se não houver previamente (ou posteriormente, como a poesia mostra) que explique, o "will never she see it?" o leitor ficará se perguntando sobre o que seria o objeto (assunto aqui) do "see it".
Thank you so much really! I didn't know about this difference specifically.
6 49 1.3k
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Glad that it helped!
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Apenas para concluir o raciocínio quais frases estão gramaticalmente corretas abaixo?

A) They normally will not be there.
B) We often would not do these things.
C) It usually might not work.
D) They will not normally be there.
E) We would not often do these things.
F) It might not usually work.
6 49 1.3k
Adverb of frequency after the modal (should/can/could/will, and so on...).
So between options A and D, my choice is D "They will normally not be there."
Same goes to the other examples, thus I would choose letter E over B, and F instead of C. Of course we are talking about the way it should be by grammar standards, one could find those done different on Google or informal/colloquial settings. In academic works/in a essay stick to the rules, though.