Mom x dad: Devo usar letras maiúsculas?

Should I use capital letter with the words "mom" and "dad"? Why (not)?

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

- Com "mom" e "dad", você deve usar maiúsculas somente ao começar uma sentença.
- Porque "mom" e "dad" são palavras comuns como "rice", "beans", "son", "daughter", etc.

Do Longman Dictionary:

My mom says I have to stay home tonight.
She lives with her mom and dad.

Mom, can I go over to Lisa's house?
Dad, will you help me?
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
donay mendonça escreveu:Dicas:

- Com "mom" e "dad", você deve usar maiúsculas somente ao começar uma sentença.
- Porque "mom" e "dad" são palavras comuns como "rice", "beans", "son", "daughter", etc.

Do Longman Dictionary:

My mom says I have to stay home tonight.
She lives with her mom and dad.

Mom, can I go over to Lisa's house?
Dad, will you help me?
It's probably good form to capitalize anywhere in the sentence when addressing them directly:

Hi, Mom, how are you today?
I forgot to tell you, Dad, about the dent I put on your car. (You better use a cap, eh?)

They are direct replacements for proper nouns.
filasfermon escreveu:Should I use capital letter with the words "mom" and "dad"? Why (not)?
We should not use capital letters for mom and dad. If we start a sentence with these words then we can use!!