Morte de Bin Laden - Vídeo em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

O presidente Barack Obama fala sobre a morte de Osama Bin Laden. Confiram no vídeo abaixo.
Perguntas - Questions

1. Do you believe Bin Laden is dead?

2. How is it going to influence people, especially in the USA?

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8 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
I couldn't watch the video, but I believe Bin Laden is dead - Obama wouldn't be crazy enough to invent such a thing and run the risk of being denied by Bin Laden himself in one of those videos he used to record. What is really intriguing is the fact that the body was just 'thrown' in the sea. And I don't think Americans should have made such a 'party' and increase even more the risk of being attacked again.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Did the Americans take a picture of Mr. Bin Laden's dead body? Many would probably like to see a picture of his dead body.
dlr 1
I think I saw a picture of Bin Laden's face on the news or somewhere but I don't recall.

Here in the US there are basically 4 different stances that people are taking:
1. Let's get drunk and party! U-S-A U-S-A!
2. Justice is served! Sweet, sweet revenge! He deserved it for killing 3000 Americans on 9/11/2001
3. I don't believe it, it all seems so shady to me. Why did they dispose of the body so quickly and why are there no pictures? I want to see an autopsy to be sure that he's dead.
4. How could this possibly be good? It's just going to throw fuel on the fire even more. We made him a martyr and wasted billions of dollars in a pointless war. Our government is like a chicken running around with its head cut off.

The first group I'm ashamed to consider my fellow countrymen. The second group seems to forget how many civilians we Americans have killed. The third group, I don't know.. maybe there's reason to be suspicious. It's a hard lie to cover up if he still is alive. The fourth group is the one I belong to. It's a pointless war, a waste of tax dollars, bad for everyone except the politicians and weapons manufacturers who are getting rich from it.

... in my opinion
Think that I can believe just if I see Bin Laden dead.
Gabi 1 1 19
Whether Bin Laden is dead or not I'm not sure, but I'm rather surprised by how the Americans are celebrating. As if
all of their problems have been sorted out now.
Is it just me or am I the only one who thinks it's simply not civilized to do what they did (or perhaps haven't done)?
Bin Laden should've been taken to court,instead.
And Obama proudly spoke about Osama's death as if he were a proper cowboy from the legendary Western films making justice work.
I really was expecting a little bit more about what called a "civilized developed society".
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Last year I visited the area where WTC used to be. Firstly I had a lump in my throat; the atmosphere around there is really "heavy". But then I saw the new building that is being built and that is going to be even higher. Then I saw the firefighters giving autographs and taking photos with the "fans". Then I saw souvenirs with photos of the tragedy :? - yes, they even have a store with calendars, flags, mugs, all with photos of the two towers being burnt. Then I discovered they have a Memorial and that tourists have to PAY for a T-O-U-R about the Sep 11th attack. :shock:
Then I just thought to myself: No, Flavia, don't wish another plane come here again... they already had what they deserved... No, they are not stupid! See: now they are happy and even making (lots of) money!
Then I went to somewhere else in the city and forgot about that.

(e depois falam dos brasileiros...)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
I think there isn't much to celebrate. There is a lot to fear.
dlr 1
Gabi escreveu:And Obama proudly spoke about Osama's death as if he were a proper cowboy from the legendary Western films making justice work.
Flavia.lm escreveu:Then I saw souvenirs with photos of the tragedy :? - yes, they even have a store with calendars, flags, mugs, all with photos of the two towers being burnt. Then I discovered they have a Memorial and that tourists have to PAY for a T-O-U-R about the Sep 11th attack. :shock:
it's shameful :|