Música em Inglês com Cores

COLORS (Marc Robillard)

She's in red
In my head
Let me blow your mind she said

Eyes so blue
You're so new
I just gotta get close to you, I said

I say yes
You say no
Just let me show you some more

It's alright
I won't bite
I wanna make sweet love tonight, I said

Hey hey I'm calling you
Red and green and yellow too
Chocolate cream, orange, navy blue
It's all good what color you are, I said

You're so strange
And I don't mind
I like all your weird designs

Paint me red
Toe to head
That's the shade of love she said

Black and blue, purple too
I don't care now what you do
Cause it's your life and it's your ride, and
I know now I'm a fan of you, I said

Hey hey, I'm calling
Red and green and yellow too
Chocolate cream
And navy blue
It's all good what color are you

She's in red
Yeah she's in my head, she said, she said
Let me blow your mind she said

Hey hey, I'm calling you
Red and green and yellow too
Chocolate cream
And navy blue
It's all good what color are you

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