Música em Inglês com o Condicional/Conditional - If clauses

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

As estruturas com o condicional(conditional - if clauses) encontram-se sublinhadas.

If You Loved Me

- Jann Arden

If you loved me I’d be more sure of myself
If you loved me I’d have everything in this world I guess

If you loved me
If you loved me

If you loved me I would not need my drunken friends
And If you loved me my loneliness for sure would end

If you loved me
If you loved me
If you loved me
If you loved me

I would clench my hands
and hold my breath
and promise to be true

I would never speak
I’d hardly eat

I would not cost a cent

I would watch you sleep
and count your sheep
and lie beside the bed

I would never think
I’d pour your drink
I’d laugh at every joke you tell

If you loved me

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