Música: Naive - The Cooks - Tradução

gabrielock 1 15
Aqui um trecho da musica Naive do The Cooks:

"I know that she knows
that I'm not fond of asking"

"you are so naive yet so"

qual seria a tradução? o "naive" no segundo trecho diz que alguem é ingênuo ou que quem esta cantando é ingênuo?

Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Somehow, half of the key to solve the puzzle in on this part...

I'm not saying it was your fault
Although you could have done more
Oh, you're so naive yet so
How could this be done?

One of the the notions of YET, as per Cambridge Dict.
yet /jet/ adverb , conjunction
(and) despite that; used to add something that seems surprising because of what you have just said
simple yet effective
He's overweight and bald, (and) yet somehow, he's attractive.

In a way that it seems contradictory, like this:

so near and yet so far
something that you say which means that you have almost achieved something but that what you still have to do in order to achieve it is very difficult or impossible I've only got the last chapter to write but it's taking forever. So near, yet so agonisingly far.
http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/so+ ... yet+so+far
(tão perto, contudo/mas ainda tão longe...)

Now, back to the crux of the matter (the X of the matter)...

I may say it was your fault
'Cause I know
You could have done more
Oh, you're so naive yet so

The guy is saying that that she did something contradictory/she got almost there...she could have done that, but...but no, she didn´t.

Eu podia dizer que foi sua culpa
por que eu sei
Você poderia ter feito mais
Oh, você é tão inocente/pura/não tem malícia
Porém como você fez isso? (como fez isso comigo? -talvez)

It could be like this...but he "supressed the thinking", this way, in the song would rhyme the two words "so" and "know"
But the rest would be provided by the listener´s thought (the boldened part, I mean)

I may say it was your fault
'Cause I know
You could have done more
Oh, you're so naive yet so
How could this be done?

This answer, was a bit long, but I think it would be better explained and understood this way... ;)