My friend x Friend of mine: Qual utilizar

Olá! Existe alguma regra que impossibilite o uso do "my friend" em vez do "friend of mine"?

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Consider the two responses to the question, "Who is he?" in normal conversation.
a. "He is my friend."
b. "He is a friend of mine."

Response a. is defining. It is definite. It implies that you really know the person and value them. It has a stronger feeling of holding the relationship in high esteem because it is using the possessive form. "My friend" identifies the person as a true friend.

Response b. is more vague. It puts the person we are speaking about into a group of people with whom we interact in a friendly manner, but we are either unsure of the value of the friendship (does he still think of me as a friend?) or do not feel strongly about the person. There are different degrees of friendship or different types of friends (work friends, activity friends, study buddies, and friends (I would call them true friends or real friends).

Whether we respond with "He is my friend" or with "He is a friend of mine" can change over time, as the friendship deteriorates or progresses and develops over time. People say friendship is forever, but its expression and even its form adapts to the current circumstances.

Remember the lyrics to the song , Reach Out Of The Darkness by Friend & Lover : “we sat and talked about things on our minds....and now that man ...he is a friend of mine.” It shows the more casual degree of friendship: after one phone call. Who knows, maybe after several years, the singer will be able to say, "He is my friend."
Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
Que eu saiba você usa o "my friend" quando está sendo específica quanto ao amigo ("My friend Mary told me...") e usa o "friend of mine" quando não especifica o amigo ("A friend of mine told me...")

Espero ter ajudado,
Ola Fabio e T@ta,

Good tip.

Mas lembre-se que pode usar "my friend" sem nomear a pessoa.
e.g. I went to the shopping centre with my friend.

Hi, Maryziller,Tim and Fabio,

I really liked your explanation. Thank you very much for being so clear.

Galera é simples:

O que difere os dois é a posição do possessive pronouns (pronome possessivo)

Em inglês, existem duas formas de pronome possessivo, uma para os pronomes adjetivos possessivos (possessive adjectives) e outra para os pronomes substantivos possessivos (possessive pronouns). Basta observar a construção da frase:

"this is mine friend.."
"this is a friend of my..."

Ambas estão erradas! Percebe que não soa bem?

Um pequeno exemplo de pronomes possessivos:

this is my book
this book is mine

this is her book
this book is hers

this is its place
this place is its

this is their pen
this pen is theirs

P.S.: A letra s (theirs, hers, his..) NÃO significa plural!

Her pen is red, but mine is blue (a caneta dela é vermelha, mas a minha é azul.
*No portugues usamos artigos na frente do ingles NÃO PODE!

Bom galera... espero ter ajudado...

God bless you!
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Todas as explicações foram ótimas, mas para deixar ainda mais simples...

my friend = meu amigo
a friend of mine = um amigo meu [literalmente, "de meu" em inglês]
