Nice from you x Nice of you: Qual a diferença

Pessoal, boa noite !

Por favor, vocês poderiam me confirmar se há alguma diferença entre "it's nice of you" e "it's nice from you?

Muito obrigada a todos !

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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It´s "nice of you".
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
6 26 454
Good evening,


It is nice of you
It is nice to you
It is nice from you

However, we could say:

- It is (so) nice to hear you.
- It's nice to hear your voice (again).
- It's (so) nice to hear from you after such a long time.
It is nice to hearing you.
It is nice to hearing from you.


>> We do not use present continuous tense when we are stating a fact or general truth. It is correct to use simple present tense.

>> The present participle of the verb (ending in -ing) should not be preceded by the infinitive marker to, and after the infinitive marker to you should always use the base form of the verb. So it should always be Nice to hear and never Nice to hearing.

If you intend to use the verb hearing, you could say:

- Nice hearing from you (again). [informal]
>> This is quite common in email, phone conversation, or regular talk.

Some notes:

>> There is also a difference between to hear and to hear from.

The verb to hear just means that you can literally hear and understand what the other person is saying.

The phrase to hear from means to start or renew a social relationship with someone. In this case, you're trying to say that it was nice to speak with someone again, and you're not focusing on the physical act of hearing, so you want to say "Nice to hear from you".


To be hearing/imagining/seeing things (informal)
Meaning: to think you are experiencing something that is not really happening.


I'm sure I saw my glasses on this table, but they're not here now. I must have been seeing things.
Tenho certeza de que vi meus óculos nesta mesa, mas eles não estão aqui agora. Devo estar vendo coisas.

No doubt you're surprised to be hearing me.
Aposto que está surpreso por estar me ouvindo.

No doubt you're surprised to be hearing from me.
Sem sombra de dúvida, tu estás surpreso em ter notícias minhas.

The preposition "to" can be part of prepositional phrases or infinitive markers.
I hope you enjoy your studies.

So long,


(1) BRINTON, Laurel J. & Donna M. The linguistic structure of Modern English, 2nd ed. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2010.
(2) HOPPER, Paul J. A short course in grammar. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 1999.
(3) Cambridge Online Dictionary.