O Inglês adotou alguma palavra original do Português?

Palavras do português usadas em inglês.

Gostaria de saber se o inglês (americano, britânico, etc) adotou/incorporou ao idioma alguma palavra ou expressão original do português?

Do espanhol, eles usam, por exemplo, Nada, Amigo.

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
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23 127 1.7k
Uma recente que está no Oxford English - English é Favela.

Favela: (from Portuguese): a poor area in or near a Brazilian city, with many small houses that are close together and in bad condition. (Oxford)

Outras mais antigas:

1. Zombie – a fictional character, a person who has died and is still walking, from the Portuguese/Congolese Zumbi. The origins of this word and how it got into English are kind of unclear, but it’s said that an English poet brought it into English with a history he wrote about Brazil.
2. Potato – from batata in Portuguese.
3. Mosquito – that annoying bug that drinks your blood and gives you an itchy bump.
4. Mango – a fruit that comes from the Portuguese / Spanish manga.
5. Banana – is actually from African origins, but made it’s way into English via South America (same in Spanish).


That's it for now!
Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
6 26 454
Hello DEADPOOL 2020

The answer is yes.

We use Portuguese words in English spoken countries in cuisine area, and also for locations or just to name animals, dance or fight styles. It is important to remind we must not translate names.

Follow some of them:

- Açaí
- Banana
- Bossa Nova
- Brigadeiro
- Caipirinha
- Carioca
- Carnauba [Br: Carnaúba]
- Capoeira
- Cobra
- Coxinha
- Farofa
- Feijoada
- Guaraná
- Igarapé
- Mosquito
- Piranha
- Rapadura
- Samba
- Sargasso [Br: Sargaço]
- Tapioca
6 49 1.3k
There are words that perhaps didn´t make it to the English parlance (I always wanted to use this word - 'parlance'...).
But, certainly, the English-speaking guys that know those words enjoy them in Portuguese.

Cafuné - "run your fingers through someone´s hair" (through a lover's hair - Urban Dictionary version - there ' cafune ').

Saudade - the feeling of longing, for something or someone. (it´s not nostalgia - which is about good experiences involving them and you, but the concepts can be intertwined).
Calorento/friento - someone sensitive to cold/hot.
Farofa - toasted manioc flour prepared in a way, ate as accompaniment with some Braziliain dishes.

Malandro - a clever wit and resourceful person, it´s in that sense that Cássia Eller sang "eu só peço a Deus um pouco de malandragem..." (malandragem - that kind of resourcefulness and cleverness, kind of).
But then when mentioned in a pejorative way, a lazy person or a con man.