O que se fala nesta entrevista?

O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
7 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Estão falando do novo filme da mocinha, "Soul surfer", em que ela é atacada por um tubarão - o antes, a recuperação e o depois - "very inspirational"; ela diz q precisou aprender a surfar (ainda está aprendendo), q ela não tem mais tanto medo de tubarão agora depois do filme; A cena favorita de filme dela é de Thelma e Louise dirigindo; Depois falam da carreira dela, q ela gosta de curtir cada momento, sem pensar em "oh, consegui!"; então a entrevistadora fala q deve ter sido bacana trabalhar com o Johnny Depp em "A fantástica fábrica de chocolate" e ela diz "that was pretty great" (foi bem legal mesmo).
Queria um dia entender assim como a flavia.. :(
Ouço muito , leio muito...depois dos 3 primeiros meses parece que
não estou aprendendo mais..
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Lucas PAYNE escreveu:Queria um dia entender assim como a flavia.. :(
Ouço muito , leio muito...depois dos 3 primeiros meses parece que
não estou aprendendo mais..
1 - obrigada!
2 - já leu essa? https://www.englishexperts.com.br/voce- ... o-plateau/
Talvez vc não esteja ouvindo e lendo coisas interessantes o bastante para te incentivar a continuar... que tal ler sobre um esporte que vc gosta, ou um filme, uma banda...
Como não tinha o que fazer tentei colocar as legendas (quem não entendeu vai entender, mas tem algumas palavras que não entendi, quem souber me corrija)

Annasophia robb very exiting for your new film so…tell us a little bit about it.
Comes out abril 8 and it’s about bitten …does several who got arm take by a shark and it’s kind of about her, before the attack, during and after who recovering just her trying to get back aboard the board, is, is very inspiration, you know everybody who’s going through a really rough time can relate to her history.
So did you have to learn to surf and go out there in the water?
I did, well huh, I’m still learning to surf , it’s definitely a process but I love it , I mean, It’s a, it’s such a calming experience and in the same time exhilarating and a good work out, I love it.
Are you afraid of shark having film this?
I’m less afraid sharks now, you know they’re out there and they are part of the ocean and you have to respect them and …
This is very… do you have any favorite scenes from the movie like all time favorite movie scenes?
There telmy louis when her driving I think that’s amazing cause you’re…enjoying that, every time I drive with my girlfriends, you know you drive around …about…
Is your particular point in your career when you felt I’ve made this an actress?
No, I mean is a …, you know there’s every level and I think it’s just the human spirits that keeps, you know pressing on it, you know bettering your self , bettering your work so it’s never…I never look at it as like I have made it, it’s just huh , you know I’m always trying to find what I … about to do it and live my life.
You got to work with jonny depp … I think that should be the moment …a room flower is pretty great.
DHST 1 3 15
AnnaSophia Robb we're very excited for your new film "Soul Surfer", tell us a little bit about it. (It) comes out April 8 and it is about Bethany Hamilton, the surfer who got her arm taken by a shark and it is kind of about her before the attack and during and after her recovery and just her trying to get back upon the board and it is very inspirational, it is, you know, anybody who's gone through a really rough time can relate to her story. So, did you have to learn to surf and go out there in the water? I did, uh well I am still learning to surf, it's definitely a process, but I love it, I mean, it's uh, It's just... such a calming experience and at the same time exhilarating and a good work-out, I love it. Are you afraid of sharks having filmed this? I'm less afraid of sharks now, I mean, you know, they're all there and they're part of the ocean and you have to respect them and we're on their terms, this is very true, do you have any favourite scenes from a movie, like your all time favourite movie scene? The Thelma and Louise when they're driving I think that's amazing 'cause you are just enjoying that, everytime I drive with my girlfriends, you know, driving around, just thinking about life. Is your particular point in your career when you felt I've made it as an actress? No, I mean, it's a constant, you know, there's every level and I think it's just the human spirit that keeps, you know, pressing on, you want it, you know better yourself, better your work, so, it is never necess... I never look at this like I have made it, It's just... you know, I'm always trying to find what I'm passionate about and do it and live my life. You got to work with Jonny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I feel like that should've been the moment, firstly. Walking on the chocolate room floor was pretty great.

Na parte em negrito eu pedi ajuda a um nativo do Idioma, mas somente na parte em negrito.
As partes em sublinhado foram as que eu não tive certeza se é aquilo mesmo.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
so pra constar eu percebi meus erros na hora da escrita mas acabei esquecendo de corrigilos.
abril: april

DHST: voce escreveu errado "favorite" ao inves disso voce colocou "favourite"
DHST 1 3 15
wesleyspeed, eu também achei difícil pra caramba algumas partes, eu tive que ouvir e ouvir de novo pra ver se tinha entendido certo, olhei o teu, aí decidi também tentar, foi como um exercício pra ver o quanto eu estou entendendo, eu até me surpreendi comigo mesmo, em "we're on their terms" eu tinha entendido "run their terms", se não fosse pela ajuda de um nativo naquela parte não teria entendido não, eles falam muito rápido, e em "true, do you have" eu entendi "cheative", complicado demais...