O que seria Themisses Policy?

Traduzindo um arquivo encontrei esse termo e não consigo relacioná-lo adequadamente à nenhum termo em português.

Alguém tem alguma ideia sobre isso? Tem a ver com questões legais e corrupção.


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Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Não consegui nenhum resultado nas minhas pesquisas. Tentei escrever de outras formas para ver se encontrava um sentido, mas não achei que estão corretas.

The misses policy --> A política das solteiras? Estranho.

Themis Policy --> Política Têmis? Poderia ser, já que Têmis é a deusa da justiça e informaram que tem a ver com questões legais.

Alguém tem mais sugestões?
Também encontrei apenas o que o Simon Vasconcelos colocou sobre a deusa Themis.

Themis é a deusa grega da justiça, da lei divina e da justiça.

É aquela senhora segurando a balança, símbolo da justiça.
According to Homero:
Themis is untranslatable.
A gift of the gods and a mark of civilized existence, sometimes it means right custom, proper procedure, social order, and sometimes merely the will of the gods (as revealed by an omen, for example) with little of the idea of right.
According to Sally See:
Themis presided over the proper relation between man and woman, the basis of the rightly ordered family (the family was seen as the pillar of the deme). Judges were often referred to as "themistopóloi" (the servants of Themis). Such was also the basis for order upon Olympus. Even Hera addressed her as "Lady Themis".
Fonte: books.google.com

What does Themis care about?
Themis was the goddess of assemblies, an extension of her role as the goddess of divine law. A king would hear petitions and rule on matters of law and justice at the assembly. She also presided over the division of the sacrificial feast, and by extension over the Olympian feasts of the gods.
Fonte: google

What powers did Themis have?
She was believed to have been among the first generation of Titans, making her a Titaness. Some key powers of Themis included prophecy/foresight and control over the Oracle at Delphi. Many sources cite Themis as one of the oracles at Delphi, and perhaps even the creator of the position
Fonte: google

What are Themis virtues?
Themis, known for her clear-sightedness, was the Greek Goddess of Justice and Law. In Roman mythology, Justicia (Justice) was one of the four Virtues along with Prudence, Fortitude and Temperance. Over time, Justice became associated with scales to represent impartiality and a sword to symbolize power.
Fonte: google

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