O que significa "fair enough" e "well aren't you cute"

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Durante uma conversa surgiram estes dois termos "fairenough" e "well aren't you cute". Não entendi bem o que significavam, principalmente o segundo.
Se alguém puder me ajudar agradeço muito.

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For "well, aren't you cute" we need context.

"Cute" does not always mean pretty, attractive, pleasant, etc. Babies can be cute, boys and girls can be cute, dresses and blouses can be cute, and even rooms and houses can be cute.

(a) Bill - I want to you meet my five year old daughter.
Jack - Well, aren't you cute! You look just like your mom.

(b) I love your Mini Cooper. It is so cute.

"Cute" can also mean witty, clever, etc. (Espirituoso, intelegente, etc.) But it usually used in a very negative, critical manner.

1-The professor thinks he is so cute. He knew we were going to the game in New York but he gave us lots of homework that is due on Monday.

2-Stop acting cute with your sister or I will tell your father! (Behave!)

3-Don't get cute with me! I know when you are lying. (Don't be evasive. Don't lie to me.)

4-I told you to sweep the living room. You just swept the dust under the rug. Well, aren't you cute.
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
6 49 1.3k
Fair enough, not fairenough (you aren´t studying German, are you?)

Fair enough - é justo/é mais que justo/concordo (com o que você disse, e aceito).

"well aren't you cute" (?)

I think it would be "well, aren't you cute?" (bem, você não é legal? (or ''cute "bonita/bonito, depending on context.)
Eu pesquisei e vi que "Fair Enough" seria algo como é justo ou bastante justo.

Enquanto a frase "Well, aren't you cute?", está na forma interrogativa.

Na forma negativa seria: Well, you are not cute. (Bem, você não é/está bonitinho) ou (Bem, vocês não são/estão bonitinhos).

Na forma contraída: Well, you aren't cute.
Ou ainda: Well, You´re not cute.

Dá uma olhadinha nessa explicação detalhada do Verbo To Be: https://www.englishexperts.com.br/verbo ... hadamente/
6 49 1.3k
If only I had four votes tonight!
Superb, insightful!