Os Simpsons- Mais uma do Homer!

Hi there!

Depois do Apagão no Brazil, Homer foi até a Casa Branca (e ainda levou a esposa)... A finalidade da visita não foi esclarecida nem mesmo pelo Mr. President e ainda está sob investigação :D
Mais informação no post do EE Forum: email-confidencial-explica-apagao-brasileiro-t6442.html

P.S.Site da 'foto' http://illinipundit.com/category/humor


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3 respostas
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felipeh6 7 58
Hello there,

Looking at internet, I´ve found some "Wise sentences of Homer Simpson":

"Marge, remember, if something goes wrong at the plant, blame the guy who knows not speak English!"
"If something is difficult to do, then it is not worth being done!"
"Well, he can have all the money in the world, but is something that he can not buy ... A dinosaur!"
"It is better to see things to do things."
"I was not lying! I was writing fiction with the mouth."
"There are three short sentences that take their lives on: 'Do not say it was me!', 'Oh, good idea boss!" and 'I was so when I arrived. "

A little bit funny!
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
That goes to prove even the securest of security systems can fail... miserably. (No tighter security measures but a brazen couple sneaks in on the party.) And a Márcio has to comment on it. LOL!
LMAO --> That's life!