Panel Advice: No Prostate Cancer Screening

jlmmelo 14 107
Não é um fórum de medicina, mas acho que é uma recomendação que deve ser divulgada.

No major medical group recommends routine PSA blood tests to check men for prostate cancer

(WASHINGTON) — No major medical group recommends routine PSA blood tests to check men for prostate cancer, and now a government panel is saying they do more harm than good and healthy men should no longer receive the tests as part of routine cancer screening.
The panel's guidelines had long advised men over 75 to forgo the tests and the new recommendation extends that do-not-screen advice to healthy men of all ages.
The recommendation by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, being made public on Friday, will not come as a surprise to cancer specialists.
Yet, most men over 50 have had at least one PSA blood test, the assumption being that finding cancer early is always a good thing.
Not so, said Dr. Virginia Moyer of the Baylor College of Medicine, who heads the task force....Read more - Time - 07/10/11

...Diretrizes do painel há muito aconselham homens com mais de 75 a renunciar aos testes e a nova recomendação... não-ao-teste para homens saudáveis ​​de todas as idades... existe dano causado pelo teste de rotina: impotência, incontinência, infecção, mesmo morte que pode resultar da biopsia, cirurgia e radiação, disse Moyer... Um estudo estima que 2 de cada 5 homens cujo câncer foi revelado num teste de PSA, tinham um tumor que estava crescendo tão lentamente que não valia a pena ser tratado... Moyer disse que 30% dos homens que são tratados por câncer descoberto em testes PSA, sofrem efeitos colaterais significantes, algumas vezes morte, resultante do tratamento... Quase um terço dos homens de 40 a 60 anos tem um câncer em desenvolvimento mas "a grande maioria nuca ficara sabendo durante sua vida inteira, se não fizerem o teste," acrescentou ela...

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jlmmelo 14 107
Devido a repercussão do assunto, saiu uma nova reportagem na revista TIME:

Prostate Cancer Screening: What You Need to Know

A panel of cancer experts is recommending against testing for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), the most commonly used prostate cancer screen, in healthy men.
According to its review of the best available data, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concludes that the potential harms of PSA testing — which include further, more invasive testing that may result in impotence and incontinence — outweigh any benefits in healthy men. The panel is expected to release on Tuesday a comprehensive report detailing the value of PSA testing, but the group's draft recommendation was made public this week.

What does this mean for men who are concerned about prostate cancer? Here's some information that can help you decide whether it's right for you.Read more