People warned us not to go alone x People were warned us to not go alone

Bom dia. Gostaria de retirar uma dúvida com vocês,pois estava lendo meu livro de gramática na parte de frases ativas e passivas e me deparei com a seguinte sentença:

*People warned us not to go alone.
Que na forma passiva fica:
*We were warned not to go alone.

Minha pergunta é a seguinte: não seria possível reescrever a frase da forma "people warned us to not go alone" e "people were warned us to not go alone" respectivamente na forma ativa e passiva? Essa forma "not to go" na minha cabeça não parece tão familiar/natural. Alguém saberia o nome dessa estrutura para que eu possa estuda-la mais profundamente?


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3 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
"Essa forma "not to go" na minha cabeça não parece tão familiar/natural."

Well, you're wrong. "Not to" is more natural and common than "to not". You think that because in Portuguese we say "para nao" so you're inclined to think it's unnatural to invert the word order, but English is another language and has its own structure. One of the problems with English learners is that they get confused by certain structures, they say it doesn't make sense to them because it djffers too much from the Portuguese structure of the equivalent sentence, as if English was ever supposed to be based on Portuguese. You have to get used to the English structure and know that it's a language of its own. Also i'm going to give you a piece of advice. You might want to ditch this textbook learning method of yours because all it does is get you confused. You didn't have to go over a grammar textbook to learn how to speak your first language and it doesn't have to be different with English. Unless you want to become an English teacher, but if your goal is to just speak English normally, it's just not necessary at all.
Leonardo96 19 293
Also this sentence "people were warned us to not go alone" doesn't make sense. You'd have to remove either "were" or "us" in order for it to be correct.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Alguém saberia o nome dessa estrutura para que eu possa estuda-la mais profundamente?
Ref. perfect-english-grammar

And with the keywords [REPORTED SPEECH INVERSION "not to"] in a search engine I found:

Ref. dictionary.cambridge
Under indirect speech reporting commands.[/url]

I hope this helps.