Phrasal Verbs: são considerados linguagem informal?

Hey guys,

I face a lot of Phrasal Verbs during my day, or reading headlines or gossip stuff.

I know a lot of 'em though, when I think about use it or not, there is a question that pops up on my mind, whether it's a slang or not, however, I see these sort of expressions in a plenty of news, and I know that there are expressions that they only know how to express themselves by Phrasal Verbs.

Could you please help me out ?

That throws me off everytime.

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4 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Há verbos frasais informais.
Há verbos frasais que não são formais nem informais.
Há verbos frasais formais.

O tempo de estudo, convívio e pesquisa te darão a instrução.
That didn't help a lot, but thank you, anyway.

You meant to say that I need to study more to really start to understand deeply the difference. Been doing that, though.

Have a nice weekend !
Telma Regina 9 65 608
I had this doubt many years ago when I started studying phrasal verbs. I learned from my experience living abroad that many phrasal verbs have a correspondent in Latin with the same meaning and the native English speakers simply avoid them.
They use phrasal verbs all the time and it's very difficult for us to understand sometimes. Every day we come across new phrasal verbs we've never heard of and it's a struggle for us to learn them all. We just have to live with it and try and learn the best we can. The more you read and speak (preferably with a native speaker) the better.
Formal language in writing, informal when speaking, basically.
Learning the phrasal verbs is a never ending process, so keep up your good studies.
Awesome seeing your opinion !

I've been abroad, too. I could realize that they speak Phrasal Verbs all the time,
And as I work on a multinational company, I read a lot of emails from American guys, obviously, containing a plenty of 'em.

I ran into this question because it suddenly popped up on my mind,
Then I decided to share it here.

I've heard, there are some words that they can only express through Phrasal Verbs,
It shows already how important it is for them. For us, Brazilian guys, this is completely different, once we do not have anything alike on our language.

Anyhow, thanks for sharing what you've learnt here !