Posso dizer "light and dark" para todas as cores?

Posso dizer "light and dark" para todas as cores? Como light/dark yellow, pink, orange, purple, red e outras cores básicas? Ou soa estranho?

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Let's go by parts.
In general ways, most of the time I would say you can. Except, for example, to black.
But then, the caveats (before you can say "what's the catch!" - it was to good to be true, something without exceptions to the rule...).
Dark white is a contradiction in terms, light white can be used. I think most of the time in layperson/day-to-day chatting you could wedge a dark/light thingun in the chatting.

But then comes the color pallete/the color schemes, if you are an artist or are going to be into painting, so sometimes you could be using "dark red" instead of "wine" where you shouldn't be.
Ref. digitalsynopsis

It's good that you have mentioned the basic colors, because someone seeing a bird with their wings in "teal" would be so amazed that wouldn't express himself with "dark teal" (just for illustration's sake, there is not such a thing as dark teal, ha ha).