Como dizer "Chamar a atenção (sentido negativo)" em inglês

Olá, gostaria de saber como dizer "Chamar a atenção", porém no sentido negativo, como um puxão de orelha. Por exemplo:

Se você não ficar quieto, o professor irá chamar sua atenção.

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Olá Lorena!

Eu já ouvi as seguintes expressões:

1) tell (somebody) off = to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong "The teacher told me off for swearing" / "Their teacher told them off for chattering in the lesson. " (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2) Speak to = to tell someone that they have done something wrong
"The manager promised that she would speak to the person responsible." (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2)Reprimand = to tell someone officially and in a serious way that something they have done is wrong/ reprimand someone for something: "He was severely reprimanded for his unsuitable behaviour" - macmillandictionary

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Call out: to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions

When Chandler made jokes about Monica, Ross just let it slide, instead of calling him out.