Tradução: 'You could be leaving a lot of money on the table'

Bom dia a todos!

Estava lendo um livro e me deparo com a seguinte frase "I think you could be leaving a lot of money on the table". Existe alguma frase em Português que possa expressar o mesmo significado desta frase?

P.S: Sei seu significado em Inglês, mas não consigo encontrar nada similar no Português.

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Seria algo similar a "perder muito dinheiro no negócio" ou "perder o que já investiu". Não me recordo de uma expressão em português com o mesmo sentido
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
"I think you could be leaving a lot of money on the table".
"I think your strategy/plan/course of action/procedure, etc is costing you money".

"I think you are losing money (by sticking to this plan/strategy/course of action)".

"I think you are wasting money (by sticking to what you are doing right now)".

Sometimes it doesn´t mean that you are losing all you have invested, but you had much more to gain by heeding someone else´s advice or changing/improving your strategy. There is, you are not investing smartly!

That is, "(assim) você está perdendo dinheiro" is an apt translation in many cases. It worth noticing that "deixando de ganhar" is also "perdendo" in such case.
And I thing a good imagery would be that you "forgot some money (a wad of it) on the table", not a good feeling when you are far away and then you remember you have left it there, you return but no avail !