Handmade x Handcrafted x Artisanal: Qual a diferença

Olá! Gostaria de saber a diferença e em quais contextos devo usar "handmade", "handcrafted" e "artisanal" em inglês.
Vi que:
handmade = feito à mão; ou seja, de forma artesanal.
handcrafted = feito à mão, ou seja, também de forma artesanal.
artisanal = artesanal.

Gostaria de saber em que contexto usar cada um e como se diz "queijo artesanal", especificamente.
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2 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579
Penso que não há diferenças entre estes adjetivos, são sinônimos. Todos referem em algum grau aos trabalhos feitos usualmente com as mãos, de maneira tradicional e muitas vezes sem maquinários; entretanto, as opções ARTISAN/ARTISANAL e HANDMADE parecem ser mais associadas aos alimentos e bebidas.

'artisan cheese' - handmade cheese'
Bryan Philpott 2 22 127
They are basically the same, but there are general associations and connotations more common with each.

I associate handcrafted with physical objects that have been assembled in some way, such as jewelry or art pieces. There is the common notion of an "arts and crafts" store, that sells items needed for such handicraft. It would be less common to say handcrafted cheese - but if you google it you will still find it.

Handmade is more general, and could be applied to anything made by hand.

Artisanal can be a bit broader still, and there are certain things that can be made in an artisanal way that still involved quite a bit of machinery work, like the production of vegetable oils or perfumes. Also, due to heavy marketing of "artisanal" products and their being more expensive, I associate the word artisanal in particular with this thought - "I am going to be paying a lot of money for this."