Pot x Pan: Qual a diferença

Hello folks

I would rather to know what the difference between pot and pan whose these names could be traslated as panela.

Thanks very much in advance

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According to Cambridge Dictionary:

a metal container that is round and often has a long handle and a lid, used for cooking things on top of a cooker

any of various types of container, usually round, especially one used for cooking food

É como se pot fosse vários tipos de potes, incluindo as panelas, mas não quer dizer que se eu te pedir um pot, você vai me trazer uma panela.

pan é especificamente uma panela, nada além disso.

I hope I'm right and have helped.
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Lembrando que 'pot' também é gíria pra maconha, e que "panela", em inglês, significa rapadura (believe it or not...)

Ah legal cara! Boa idéia.. acho que POT seria como VAZINHA.
Podemos interpretar como PANELA ou CAÇAROLA e também tem a FRIGIDEIRA.

Bom, depois disso, quem seria quem?

Flavia.. legal.. adoro aprender as malandragens em inglês. Valeu por compartilhar isso conosco.
Thomas 7 62 297
A pot is usually deep and has a lid. It can be used for cooking or boiling.

A pan is usually shallow and rarely has a lid. It is used for cooking or baking.

A frying pan, of course, is a pan used for frying. (My favorite frying pan has a lid!)
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Thomas escreveu:[...] (My favorite frying pan has a lid!)
Thomas, does it have a hinged lid?
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Pessoal, valeu pelas dicas
Thomas 7 62 297
Márcio, my favorite frying pan (also called a "skillet") is very wide, deeper than most frying pans (maybe 6-7 cm), and has a GLASS LID. It's great for making chili!

I have an omelet pan that has two half-pans joined with a hinge. When the omelet is almost cooked, you flip one side of the pan over so that the two halves of the omelet become one. It works great!
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
I had to look up this rhyme:

"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
If turnips were watches I'd wear one at my side.
If ifs and ands were pots and pans,
What work would there be for tinkers."

Not that it explains a damn thing about pots and pans.
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Oh, and remember that early in life it's a "potty," and late in life a "bed pan." Things you probably don't wanna know really...