Pronuncia do Either e Neither

Hello folks!!

I'd like to know what's the correct pronunciation of 'Either' and 'Neither'. My teacher taught me something like either(eider) and neither(neider) but I've seen quite a few times in movies and in tv series the actors saying something like either(aider) and neither(naider), so my question is: which are correct or are both correct?


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4 respostas
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Alessandro 3 13 98
Check it out

Either(iiiider) and neither(niiider) = American English
Either(aaaider) and neither(naaaider) = British English

Got it?

I hope that helps!
Yes I got it but in the TV series 'Dexter' that was shot in Miami I've listened to they saying either(aaaider) and neither(naaaider) and so did some natives from San Francisco in a podcast. Then I may conclude that even in the U.S both pronunciations are acceptable.

Thank you Alessandro!
I had the same problem. I didn't know which pronunciation was correct.

I live in Australia, so I asked my teacher in the school and he said that both pronunciation are right.
So, you can just choose which one you want to use.

C ya

No google tradutor aparece, para either, duas maneiras de pronúncia: ˈēT͟Hər,ˈīT͟Hər
O mesmo para neither: ˈnēT͟Hər,ˈnī-

A minha dúvida é se a primeira forma de ambas as palavras é usada para inglês americano e a segunda para britânico, ou as duas maneiras são corretas para ambos, inglês americano e britânico?

Thanks in advance.