Qual o significado da expressão "leveled" nesse contexto?

Estou tentando traduzir um vídeo e tem as expressões.

"Brazil leveled residential buildings"

"When the Brazil leveled the building housing Globo offices"

O contexto dessas frases se refere ao derrubamento de prédios, por um ataque de bomba, geralmente aéreo e a tradução literal seria nivelar, porém o sentido correto seria destruir, derrubar e deixar tudo ao nível do chão.

Como poderia traduzir e trazer sentido e a emoção correta na frase?

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1 resposta
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When Brazil leveled Globo (a TV broadcaster) headquarters.
When Brazil leveled Globo headquarters.
When Brazil leveled Globo headquarter offices.

With 'Brazil', unspecific in kind we could think of a generalization. Say, Brazil with its population in excess of 200 mi. Unless it was bombarding other country, expressing in this way may be ambiguous to the reader.
Granted, as a headline it would be okay, but then afterward the reader would know who leveled what: The Brazilian government, the Brazilian army, etc.
'Leveled' here, can be also be replaced by destroyed OR bombarded (usually used in the case of jet attacks, but could be leveled by other means).

Last but not least, "the" before names countries and territories is not used, but there some (few) exceptions to the rule:

Names of countries that are pluralized: The Netherlands
Names that have the words "states, kingdom, or republic" in them: The United States/The United Kingdom, etc.

I hope this helps.